
Do shops open on good friday in germany?

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Do shops open on good friday in germany?




  1. All shops are closed as it's a religious holiday.

    Only exceptions might be a few certain shops at railway stations, airports, and petrol stations. But they're mostly open for a few hours on this day.

  2. no they are closed...just some shops in stations and petrol stations are open.

  3. All stores and bar's in Germany are closed on Karfreitag (Good Friday). Good Friday is the highest holiday in Germany

  4. Closed in Germany except some gasstations and shops in Trainstations.

    Open in France and Austria.

  5. no their closed. also closed every sunday and every sinlge holiday

  6. They are closed. But you can buy some stuff at small shops at gas stations ore at railway stations or at airports.

  7. all closed, maybe some patrol stations with a integrated little shop has open also the one's on the Autobahn.

    If you lucky and live close to the Netherlands or Belgium the shops are all open, I don't know about France or Denmark.

    A lot of people travel to theNetherlands, shopping, eat , drink...

  8. nope....closed.

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