
Do shots for 7th grade hurt?

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im not in 7th grade im in 10th but i didnt have to get them but little sister they hurt?




  1. I just got mine yesterday (Thursday) and it didn't hurt at all when I got them! I looked away from the needle, and dug my nail into my finger so I wouldn't feel any pain. After, I got a little sore. But then I got some Tyonal during the night. I was able to sleep. In the morning it hurt so I took some more tyonal, and during the day I had no problems to speak of. The tyonal has weared off, so now it really kills! I do feel a little sick, yes, but not too bad. She might not get sick though, it depends on how tough your skin is (so I've heard) Good Luck!

  2. Im getting my shots tommarow and im scared but all these people made me realize that its better than breaking ur elbow twice. So i am going to take it up and beat it (normally im not scared but im going ziplineing and well yeah).


  3. i am not in sixth grade yet but after this summer i will be in sixth grade i hate needles but its not the pain my friend got a tetnus shot and it didnt hurt very much she sceemed when they were about to put the needle in but then she stared at me and siad a little ouch thats allllllllllllll!

  4. im going on to 7th and i have to get 6 or 4 shots

  5. they sting but after a while it will stop

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