
Do siamese twins have two separate souls? What about the child that was born with two heads?

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I just read a story about a baby that was born with two heads and died. So my curiosity got the best of me. Let me know what you all think. Serious answers please. Thanks! To read the story click the link below.,2933,412193,00.html




  1. no/ it was a case of twins who didn't completely split in the beginning stages of was very sad to see. but god allows the laws of nature to occur.  

  2. Awwwwwwww.

    If there is such a thing as a soul, then siamese twins,yes, definitely, but I'm not sure about him.

  3. they had 2 different heads tht mean tht they thought in 2 different ways..........which means tht they thought different/////////which means tht they had 2 different concience whcih proves thth they had 2 souls

  4. I asked a similar question of a Jesuit philospohy professor at a university. His reasoning was that choice is the mark of a soul, and any being displaying free will - even one attached to another being - has its own soul.

    That said, I asked the question to a Catholic Bishop. His answer was similar, but specified that this did not apply to animals, given that animals - for all the free-will that they may or may not display - were not chosen to have souls gievn to them. (I personally reject this perspecive.)

    So I asked a Buddist teacher. His perspective was that all souls are ultimately a part of the same whole, and seperation of souls is an illusion. He argued that you and I have the same soul, that we are a part of the souls of others, and that all souls are one under the same source. So of course his conclusion was that, no, they didn't have seperate souls, they in fact had the same soul. He likely would say they had reached that enlightenment in the womb and passed onto the relm of spirit shortly after birth as a result.

    My opinion? Two souls can exist in the same body. I agree that free-will is the mark of having a soul, I agree that all souls are part of the same whole, but I believe that physical form is not the seperation, so much as the expression of consciousness.

    --Edit-- Siamese twins, if seperated, give every indication of having independant souls. That said, examin the "twin bond", where even fraternal twins share an uncanny and uncommon (psychic? emotional? mental? spiritual?) bond with one another, feeling one another's pain, happiness, fear, even sensing when the other is in danger. It is possible that, even as independant souls, such close proximity from conception to birth mingles the spiritual makup of a person.

  5. I am going to have to answer yes because of previous experience of conjoined twins. They usually have two fully conscience people in one body. The story said both were eating. However they did not develop old enough for us to know.

  6. That is so incredibly sad.  I believe that he would have two souls, yes..  

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