
Do siblings have any rights, when looking for an adopted sibling?

by  |  earlier

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I'm noticing that the question a few hours ago from someone looking for her sister has not been answered.

Part A: Is this that no one is choosing to help her, or is there not really a way?

Part B: What rights might I have in looking for my half brother who was adopted? What would I need to know about the adoption to even attempt finding him?





  1. I believe you have every right to search for your brother - most places ask for a family connection and you certainly have one. I think few of us know the law on this question so arent answering rather than give her (or you) false hope.

  2. a) I just saw the question and answered.  =oP

    b) anyone has the right to seek anyone out.  I just gave this link which gives a pretty comprehensive way to search for relatives separated by adoption or foster care.

  3. I don't know about rights, but my daughter has contact with her half sister and half sister's adoptive parents.  When she was placed with us, we were told of her sister and that the sister's parents were interested in meeting us.  Once we got through the fog of newbornhood, we met up.  We were given the phone number from the agency, but both sets of adoptive parents agreed that this was in the best interest of the girls.

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