
Do sign says the truth?

by  |  earlier

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well, I don't think it does but it happened to me, i was never fond of reading the news, so i said, "if it rains, she is not the one", next day, i almost forgot what I've said, seeing that it is sunny all day, but before I went out of the campus, it suddenly rain", the next one is, "If I didn't see her, she is not the one", and guess what, I didn't see her, for a reason that she is absent for a week", lot of this happens to me, but in some case, coincidence or chance has its way for me to see her, which sucks because I want to forget her.... do sign tells the truth




  1. The signs that you are talking about are not really there.  The only reason you notice them is because that is all you are thinking about.  Don't wait on signs to decide what to do.  Its all about acting on feelings and not waiting.  Sometimes it is not a good thing to act on feelings, but for the most part you can't just sit back and let things go because of a sign - unless the sign is blatantly obvious - example being a sign that says "She is not the one" on your front door.

  2. It is always true but for short period

    It should tested for a long period

    And also for long stretch

  3. I think we know the answers about everything but its hard to find them because we sometimes don't like the answers we get.  I don't think its so much the signs that your getting as the fact that you already know the answer but maybe your hoping for a different one.  I do it all the time :)  Good Luck

  4. ok, so you want some 'signs' to decide what you do in your life instead of thinking what you feel what you want and what you can do about it? there's not such a thing as signs,

  5. no, i don't believe it does, it was just a matter of coincidence, but maybe she wasnt the one after all!

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