
Do single men die younger than married men?

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I think this is just feminist propaganda cause men in general don't really get that much from marriage.

I think a more accurate statement would be, divorced men die before married men as they have probably been put through the mill by a selfish little women supported by a selfish little Government.

what do you think? Or do you think........




  1. I heard it was the opposite. That single guys don't have someone constantly nagging them and complaining.

    Girl- Does this outfit make me look fat?

    Guy- NO, your belly makes you look fat!

    Then they start crying and you have to pretend to care, but their the one that asked a stupid question.

  2. Single get lonely and sleep with prostitutes, therefore catching AIDs and dying very young :)

    You men need us ;D

  3. If that statement came from feminists then you know it's false. Single men are free and aren't nagged into an early grave. I suppose happily married men live longer but by how much? probably not a lot. Divorced men on the other hand, have way more stress to deal with. Especially these days with child support and alimony often working 2 jobs just to get by. I'd think they would die first on average.

  4. No it's a myth married men live longer, It just seems like it

  5. no  you dont live longer if you are married it just seems like life is never ending  .You know how time drags when you are not enjoying yourself or how long a night lasts when you have toothache and are waiting till the dentist opens in the morning.

    Well that is what marriage is like for a man :-(

  6. Yes the wives keep the men around longer to torture them!!

    So though the single men die younger, the married men wish they could shuffle of sooner

    Or does it just seem that much longer? I don’t know.

  7. I think everyone, male or female, dies from sheer loneliness sooner than others.

  8. Yes, just like married  cows live longer than single sheep. Load of bloody nonsense.

  9. Young men under age 25 are great candidates for the Darwin Awards.  Males of all ages are winners, though.

    You are a very bitter little castrati aren't you?

  10. 'Men don't get much from marriage you say?' If that's your own experience it's a pity. I get a lot out of my relationship, even though it's not easy at times.

    It's not the act of marriage that makes you live longer, but sharing your life. It makes you suffer less psychologically, e.g. loneliness.

    edit - If 'wet' means not pretending to be tough guy, then I'm wet. If you could take your head out of your @rse for 5 minutes, you'd see it's not the only thing associated with you that is full of S**t.

  11. Apparently so. However, i do believe it has more to do with diet than stress. Having a wife in the traditional sense who acts as a housewife will probably provide a better more balanced diet for her family. Since she has more time to do it.

    The old people that are currently being measured for these statistics are from a completely different generation and have totally different values than we younger generations. Married couples today face completely different pressures and more and more have to go out to work to support the rising cost of living. So less time is available to provide a thought out balanced diet. With single men today i would say once they leave home good diet goes out the window. There are exceptions but by and large i would say thats true. I think that single men will do less exercise after middle age than probably a married man would. Going off to play golf or going to the gym for a married man is a way to escape rather than face issues at home. Single men don't have that pressure so don't have that need to escape and so will more likely go for a drink and a few games of darts or some other non too taxing past time. A married man can't justify that expense. So poor diet coupled with lack of exercise is more likely to be the cause of premature death. That's my theory anyway.

  12. As I recall, single (i.e. never-married) men do generally fare worse than married men. Married men might have more to lose financially (another argument for separate finances), but with single men, it's more emotional.

  13. It was a finding from one research study which studied the association between life-expectancy and marriage, but didn't establish any definite cause or physiology for the difference:

    Average life-expectancy is largely meaningless on an individual level anyway. A single man who spends his time, like, skydiving and dies at 30 and a man of who has lived a very sedate life and looked after his kids and dies at 90 have an average expectancy of 60 between them- but this is clearly not remotely relevant to either of them.

    There's also a huge problem here with the way research is reported by the scientific/research community, versus how the public receive and use it. Scientists and researchers know that a single study will only add some small amount of information to the overall picture, whereas the media and lay public tend to treat any single study on anything as irrefutable or solid evidence for whatever they feel like they want to rant about that day, even if, as is often the case, the findings are later disputed by 48 follow-up papers. Although it's also worth noting that this paper is a review/discussion of a number of other papers and does still seem to conclude an overall benefit from marriage, from a broad range of previous studies, one which may also be supported by the basics of evolutionary biology.

    Nobody f*~kin forces men to get married anyway - the ones who do it must think they get something from it! Have fun dying young! Hx

  14. Oh my, you really did have an ex-girlfriend abort your unborn child against your wishes. You really are hurt, so hurt that the only way to deal with your anger over her is to post snide remarks against women who make their own decisions without their male partner's consent.

  15. I don't think marital status effects the health of people.

  16. Yes, everyone knows that large medical research organizations are secretly paid by Gloria Steinem...

    And for your next brilliant question?

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