
Do smaller people need less food ?

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Would world food crisis be solved if everyone was much smaller ?




  1. Not really.

    It'd still run out,just a bit later....or maybe even sooner.because we'd have the secure feeling of knowing that there was more than enough food,so we might end up wasting it,which would result in a food crisis.

  2. I would say yes, on average, but as an earlier answerer has pointed out, people's metabolisms can vary widely too so that is also a factor.

    EDIT: To Janice B. above, children's appetites are not comparable to adults as their bodies are growing. You can only really compare a small and a tall person who are the same s*x and same age.

  3. Not necessarily. My step daughter is tiny only 5 foot in height and a size 6/8. She eats like a horse much more than my son's that are 6'3" and 6'1".

  4. Do you small as in dress size, or hobit-style small?!

    Anyway, if you're talking about hobit-size small, smaller people would need less food per meal BUT I imagine that they would have to eat more regulary during the day to maintain their metabolism - that would mean that the food crisis wouldn't be solved, they may eat the exact same portion as a bigger person would in total, but would just have more meals during the day in order to do so!

  5. No...I'm tiny size 8 and my hubby is 21 stone and I eat more than him.

    My metabolism is very high.

  6. Smaller people with faster metabolisms sometimes eat more than big 'uns. My mother-in-law, for instance, troughs like a stevedore and did for all my chocolate biscuits last time she came round. She's a one-woman plague of locusts and she's 5'1" tall.

    If everyone was like her the world food crisis would be worse because she hates gardening, but everyones washing and ironing would be done brilliantly and everyones house wuld be clean. Swings and roundabouts matey, swings and roundabouts.

  7. No not really, it's all to do with metabolism really.

  8. Psht.  No.  I'm 5'2" and 100 lbs.

    I can eat more than a lot of people...

    But... I guess I don't NEED a lot of food.

  9. Small people need a lot of food of course to GROW!

    If you’re a bid person then you can just have diet or eat balanced diet meal!

    It’s like my sister, she’s a  very small person and there’s a crisis of rice here. She needs lots nutrients to grow. Before, my Mom always buy her fast foods! I’m kinda jealous of her that time!

    Lol. I hope I helped you out on how to be-O!


    Arnela Mae

  10. yes

  11. not always, depends on peoples' metabolisms

  12. yes.

  13. NO !!! Ask anyone with kids and they will tell you that it's amazing how much food those little kids can put away !

  14. The world food crisis would be solved if there weren't so many people.

    But they continue to multiply. The world's population has doubled in my lifetime.

  15. nope, i am 28 and my 3 year old actualy eats more than me!!

    for sunday dinner she has the same as me then has another helping whilst i cant even finish my 1st, I dont know how she does it!

    I blame the little people.

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