
Do smart infants become smart children?

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Do smart infants become smart children?




  1. Intelligent children are always going to be intelligent because they are born that way but being smart implies that you have learned things and have also learned how to apply the information and that takes input and practice.  Input and practice are dependent on the environment.

  2. nope.....depends if the keep it up

  3. yup,as long as you always make youre child study always....

  4. It depends on the stimulation, affection and attention they are given as children.

  5. it depends.. it depends on the environment of the child.. if its a supporting and encouraging one, for sure he will greow up to be smart..

  6. What do you mean by smart?

    If smart is watching tv for a long time - no your baby will not grow up to be smart!

    If your baby is talking early - keerp up the stimuli and YES he will be very smart!!!

    READ READ READ to your baby! Read anything - baby books, the newspaper, technical and intellectual stuff. He has a sponge in his head fill it up!!

    Also TALK TALK ^TALK - no baby talk - regular people talk about everything!!!

    Enjoy your baby!!!

  7. Smart children are not born. It depends on how you teach your child and help them develop. Each child develops at their own pace no matter how they are taught.

  8. Yes, of course.  Start right and early, and in no time, they'll be ahead of the rest.  However, children needs to have a conducive learning environment and available tools.  A good teaching method is the Montessori way.  See

  9. It stands to reason that they do.

  10. Ok, children are born with a certain level of intellegence, so some children are born smarter than others.  Some have a higher propensity for learning, some excell in math, some in reading and language, some are creative and artistic.  If you take 5 kids and teach them all the same way, they will not all come out the same.  This is the flaw in the public school system.  They take a variety of children, with different interests and learning styles and expect them all to acheive the same level of success.

    So, IMHO, a smart infant CAN become a smart child as long as they are stimulated and interacted with.  My son is 2 1/2.  He knows his colors, is learning his numbers, and has a HUGE vocabulary.  I have not pushed anything on him.  We read and play together I talk to him a lot and when I do I speak slowley.  I USE color, shape, size, directional, and ordinal words in my daily conversations with him and he is just picking it up naturally.  We color and paint, play cars and little people.  We correct if please and thank you are not used and WE use them.  We sing songs and do hand motions.  We go to the zoo and the museum.  

    Next year I will start working a preschool program with him.  Spending time working with letters and letter sounds, continuing to work on things like colors, shapes, direction.  I will work with him because this year he has been upset when he is left out of school when I work with his brother, and because at the rate he is just picking things up on his own I think he will be ready.

    But, a smart infant is just an infant with the ability to be well learned and excell in school.  If that child is dumped in front of a TV, not talked to, not read to, not challenged mentally, then they can remain ignorant and no one will ever know their lost potential.  And, a less intellegent infant can become know for their acheivement.  They can excell in school and life.  If they are given an environment where they can thrive and learn, are shown love and see others around them learing and reading, if they have someone working with them, teaching them the way they (the child) learn best, they can acheive great things.

    Just my opinion.  Hope my perspective helps.

  11. Given the correct stimuli and encouragement, yes they do. Read to them every day at the very least.  And children learn by watching their parents, so if they see you reading, that is great!

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