
Do smoking commercials affect people?

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how do people feel about truth commercials and all the ones they have out now? and frum b4.

basically i dont think smoking is a good idea, but i have no problem with ppl that smoke, only when they do it in public places where ppl may mind or have medical history

(ive seen ppl smoke around a pregnant woman, around children, around me...i have asthma and other health things...)

but how does this make ppl feel, do u shake your head and continue, do u stop, do u reccommend that others stop....?

i just wanna know.




  1. I like the truth commericials because well...they are true!  I don't think smoking is a good idea either.  I understand that its hard for people to stop when they start but why even start in the first place!!  They know what it can do.  Both my parents we're smokers before I was born.  But once they found out they quit for 9 years.  Next thing i know I see them smoking.  All this talk about never smoke and my parents were doing it.  I still don't understand why they started up again. Maybe once you start you will always want another.

  2. I like the truth commercials, however like the cigarette commercials and the huge Joe Camel issue I don't think that they influence the child one way or the other. When I was little I liked Joe Camel, it didn't mean I was going to smoke, but I thought a camel that dressed up was neat.

    In no way do I feel that commercials impact the kids, I feel the cigarette commercials themselves don't make a kid go smoke, just like I think the scare tactics of the anti smoking ads don't make a kid stop smoking or keeps them from smoking.

    The biggest influence of a child's life is his/her parents...not the TV.

  3. smoking is gross and i like truth commercials

  4. i think the commercials have very little impact on people who smoke..nicotine is an addictive drug...instead of spending $$$$$m on these commercials why not help with the new medicines that fool the brain into not wanting cigarettes..i smoke..i want to quit..i have tried many times..i can not afford the $116.00 a month for the medication that would end my addiction..

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