
Do snakes bite humans?

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i'm planning on getting a bermease python...if i buy it while its a baby will it bite me? also, if i raise it, will it bite me any time as it grows?




  1. yes. as a baby it will bite you, as it gets bigger it will bite you, when its fully grown, it will consider you food.

    if you have to ask a question like this, you're not ready for a berm.

  2. It depends on the snake i had a boa that would bite me alot and one that never bit me. It depends on the snake

  3. as a keeper of a "Burmese" python id advise you to really do alot of research before buying one. iv got an 18year old burm called sally.she weighs 174pound(about 13 stone) and is 19foot long and as thick as a lamp post,she is not yet fully grown,she eats 3 piglets a fortnight at a cost of £16 each so just on food that's £96 per month and if she felt like it could easily kill me and probably eat me.(bear in mind I'm 6.2 and weigh 15stone).vets fees are about £700 per year, heating about £1000 per year plus you will need a large room for it to live in as a Viv will not be any good after its abouts 4 years old.they can live 40ish years and can grow till the day they die.a baby that's 2 ft long can be 6ft at a year old and 10ft at 2 years for being bitten all i can say is i have been very lucky and not been bitten since she was 9ft long,however i had to have 30 stitches and now have a very cool scar on my arm.a friend of mine was bitten last year by his 14ft burm and ended up having his arm pinned and plated as it was so badly broken.all that aside if you can genuinely afford to spend realistically £2500 per year on a snake i cant recommend a burm enough.mine is lovely and i cant imagine being with out her,also bear in mind that from 10ft up they will need two people to handle it and from 14ft 3to4 people.  remember a snake no matter how long you keep it will always be a wild animal and can turn at any time. over the years i can honestly say i have been bitten 100s of time by allsorts of snakes,from corns to pythons to boas.if you keep a snake at some point you WILL get bitten.and the bigger the snake the worse the bite,and they dont come much bigger than a burm.

  4. If you are afraid of being bitten, a Burmese python is most definitely NOT the snake for you!

  5. the truth with snakes is no mater how long you have them they are always wild animals you will learn your snakes modes over time and know when not to mess with him but there is always a chance of being bitten.

    all in all  a bermese bit wont be that bad just keep him away from your face and neck and you will be fine.

    ps i have kept snakes for a long time and have 2 emergency room visits under my belt from hot snakes

  6. Come on, any snake is capable of biting you even if you raise it. See you know how you buy a dog when it is a puppy, and you raise it till it dies,the dog can still bite you cant it! Think of it that way. Anyway a long story short, yes they can still bite you!

  7. if this is your first snake i would strongly advise against a burmese...get a ball python or a kingsnake...either are pretty good starter snakes.  any snake can bite a person that is holding the snake at any time...i've been bitten 2 times by my male ball python (during feeding time)...i've been bitten by my amazon tree boas while holding them...they just turn around and bite...i've been bitten by one of the blood pythons that we had...i've been bitten by one of my kingsnakes and struck at by my other one (the one that has struck at me but not bitten is ultra tame for a snake but things happen).  snakes are wild animals for the most part and they cant be "tamed" like a dog.  burmese pythons can be tamed and be very gentle snakes but they are wild animals any "tame snake" can still bite.  burms have a lot of sharp curved teeth that hurt like crazy when they bite...i got scraped by a burmese tooth while force feeding a burm and i could feel the little scrape i was glad it wasnt a full on bite...the saying goes...there are two types of snake owners, those that have been bitten and those that will get bitten.

  8. Nooo it will want to kiss you


  9. of corse! same as any animal can. some snakes can kill people quickly! but the good thing is, dont mess with them. if you dont step on them, pick them up, corner them, or startle them, they wont bite. infact, snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them.

  10. well all i can say is my friend gots a snake and he knows all about snakes so it will bite you and it will bite you only if your trying to mess with it while it's eatting drinking or sleeping

  11. The answer to all of these questions: A resounding YES!!!

  12. If you watch Animal Planet, it will tell you that no matter who you are or how good you are at handling snakes, it's only a matter of time before you get bitten.

    The best advice is to learn as much about the snake(s) you want to keep as you can  so that hopefully you can learn from the mistakes of others.

    Certain species are more aggresive than others.  Water snakes for example tend to be more aggresive than most other types of snakes.  The black mamba of africa is also known to be somewhat aggresive although why anyone who is a novice would want to keep a highly venemous snake is beyond me.

    Stick with a small constrictor or a harmless snake to start with until you get used to handling and being around them.  Read and learn all you can.  Knowledge is power.

  13. I can not  stand snakes.  They give me the creeps.  I don't trust them and they will bite for sure.  I watch the Animal Planet Channel on TV.

  14. you will make a mistake is you buy a python, i do not want to stop your enjoyment ,but snakes can get very dangerous and should not be trusted,The tend to grow big, and if you have one on your shoulders could easy when angry coil up around your neck and choke you, in fife minutes

  15. Fred, don't do it, if you must own a reptile, go for a tortoise, they are a whole lot less problematic and rarely known to bite !!.

  16. ya !   Every animal frighten to each other. and  due to this he feel unsecure from other.  snake also for the safety purpose bite to humans unless  u love or scare on him .so be aware from snakes.  some snakes poison is very dangerous for men, with in few seconds  man can  die.  that's all........

  17. Only onboard planes!!!
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