
Do snakes eat house lizard?

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i have found a snake, it was sealed in a bottle and it's already a week from now..I tried to feed him grasshopper and a live baby lizard but still he didn't touch it...why!!!!!!




  1. If the poor thing has been in a sealed bottle for any length of time he could be severly dehydrated just for starters. You don't say what type of snake - so its hard to know what food to offer - and you need to be careful in case it is one of the venomous varieties.  Reptiles need very specialised care and a temperature controlled environment.

    If you can afford it please take the snake to a veterinarian or zoo where he can be properly assessed and cared for - or at the very least a pet shop. This animal is probably suffering despite your obviously kind intentions.  Reptiles stress very easily. Please do the RIGHT thing by this snake.

  2. I honestly don't know...I've always thought snakes ate mice.

  3. Yes, snakes eat grasshopper and lizards but, this is a wild snake and it might not feel comfortable around you. Try feeding it snake food from the pet store od just simply LET IT GO!!!!

  4. First, very few snakes eat insects. In order to know what to feed it, you need to identify it. There are some snakes that only eat worms, there are some that only eat rodents, there are some that only toads, fish, or frogs. Since you don't know what you have, you can't properly care for it so you should let it go where you caught it. Living in a bottle is a horrible way to keep any animal. Many wild caught snakes die in captivity because they are so stressed they refuse to eat at all.

  5. Well, firstly, if its sealed in a bottle, is it still alive? If so, remove it from the bottle and put it in a ventilated cage.

    If its a small snake, try getting a pinkie (baby rat) from the pet store.

    It hasn't eaten, probably cause its not hungry yet.

    It it has been a while and the snake hasn't eaten, got to the pet store and ask about "force feeding" a pinkie. This included killing the pinkie, you may not want to do this.

    If it is a bigger snake, then try a small mouse, or rat.

  6. well it might be stressed from being sealed in a bottel but they should eat lizards

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