
Do snakes need exercise?

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Do snakes need exercise?




  1. Yes. I see them at the gym almost every day

  2. snakes can get obese just like humans, and if they are they often die sooner. i always take mine out for half an hour so he can move around my fingers, and the book i got on snakes (corn snakes but i assume this matter is all the same) that i read three times said to take them out too.

  3. yes. they can die quicker from obesity. let them slither across a hard flat surface or put some things in their tank to let them play on...=)

  4. Exercise is important for good muscle development and can also help with weight managment. It's a good idea to take your snake out every now and again for a little bit of exercise, it can only do it good.

  5. i think it depends on the type of snake. ball pythons tend to be more sedentary, but i bring mine out of his cage three times a week and let him crawl on me. when he gets older he will only eat twice a month because of his life style and his metabolism. my cali king snake on the other hand is a lot more active. he crawls around his 20 gallon long all the time. i bring him out about the same as my python, but i will continue to feed him once a week when he gets older, maybe once every week and a half. some snake are more active than others is my point. but a little excersise never hurts.

  6. yes.. snakes do need exercise. i have large amounts of snakes. i put water with no clourine in a like baby swimming pool.. it helps there skin.. and makes them hungry.. so it is a good idea for your snake to exercise..

    hope i helped

  7. yes just like any other domesticated animal.  you should have something for them to clime inside the cage so they can crawl around inside the cage and try to take the snake out as often as possible to crawl around in a new environment.  just make sure you watch it because they dont move all that fast but they can fit into some really small holes and could hurt themselves.

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