
Do snowboard bandana's mean anything ?

by  |  earlier

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I always see people wearing them and I just want to know do the colours or whatever represent anything in particular ??




  1. nah, they just keep the wind off your face so you don't get a retarded looking skier goggletan/windburn combo. They also just look cool

    I rock white gray or black

  2. Nope but they keep you sooo warm and comfy!  I like my blk/wht checker and blk/red checker!  rock the checker!  lol

  3. The white bandana means that you are a rookie, the black bandana means that you are a rookie that didnt see shaun white wearing one at the x-games last year.

  4. i mean your snowboarding crew might want to all rock the same color or something like that, but individual colors dont really mean anything

  5. steeeeeeeeeeeeeezeeeee

  6. They don't mean anything.  They are just to keep faces warm.

  7. no they dont mean anything

    but they keep the wind and cold off your face

    and keep ur face one color not having a halarious tan

    but they also come in amazing colors mines lime green

  8. yes the color of the bandana represents a gang he/she belongs to..

    i have seen skiers who switched to snowboarding but never seen the opposite. just had to throw that in

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