
Do social anxiety medication actually work?

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If so how long does it usually take and how does it work? Will you actually start talking more in social situations or will you just feel less uncomfortable?




  1. Theres no such thing as ''social anxiety medication''. There are meds used to treat general anxiety disorders (mostly benzodiazepans like Xanax or Valium). Your doctor will give this to you to 'keep you happy' but all it does is treat the symptoms of anxiety and you will soon build of a high tolerance to the drug and these drugs ARE addictive FACT. I don't know what it is about the U.S but doctors love to hand out pills like candy to their patients. If you want to be free from social anxiety the only answer lies in cognitive behavioural therapy, in assessing and re-examining your core beliefs and underlying self assumptions. Pills keep you in a calm state but they can't eliminate a long established psychosocial condition

  2. yes ..some of them really depends on ur type of body and mindset

  3. It will help relieve your anxiety.  I would take it and if you do not find that you are talking more, maybe you should talk to your therapist about a group situation or behavioral training.  Sometimes, if your social anxiety is really bad, you may not have the skills to interact in a social situation because you haven't been doing it.  You may need to practice.

  4. I felt like a zombie on mine.... x.x

    I stopped taking them.

    They made me sleep a lot.

    But I guess it really does depend on you.

    If you believe it will work, it might work! But I actually think they are sedatives ......

    Ergo.. very very bad for human consumption.

    I think meds are the easy way out.

    Why do you feel so uncomfortable? Why don't you talk?

    The whole working with the brain makes me extremely leery, and I don't know how old you are to begin with. Kids and adults have very different brains... Up until age 21, I think, or maybe even a few years later. If you're younger than 21 or 22, there may be some repercussions that you might not even know about. Sorry, I just think they are a bad idea popularized.

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