
Do social work jobs pay well?

by  |  earlier

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And if so, what are the ones that do?

Please don't say sub.abuse counseling because from what I have research they don't.





    No  (college psych professor)

  2. Absolutely not! I've just made a change from social work (I got both my Master's and a license in social work a while back but still ended up leaving) because I simply could not work that hard for so little compensation anymore. My situation is a little unique since I have LOTS of student loan debt, but I have no mortgage, no car payment, etc, so it should've balanced out... but it just didn't. During my last year as a social worker (I did it for over 10 years), I was working two jobs and a seasonal "on call" job just to get by... when you spend seven years in college, work 60+ hours per week, and want things like children and a home of your own, it isn't worth it.

    I also don't think that social work is a very healthy profession. Most social workers put themselves last in many cases and do not realize that it's the only profession that can require you to be as educated as an attorney but will pay you less than a teacher. If you want to help people, become a nurse or a'll be paid a decent salary and you can always volunteer in your spare time.

    Don't mean to be so negative, but I simply wouldn't recommend it as a profession unless you have a reliable second income of some sort...and don't mind lots of responsibility with no authority... if you really still want to do it, the best paying jobs in social work tend to be in school social work and medical social work. Good luck.  

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