
Do socialists want to take my pie?

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Personally, I worked hard, made my way through grad school because I like my pie. Why does she want to take it?




  1. Yes, and we must protect our pies at all costs.

    <-- Pie nut.

    Leave my PIE alone!  It is MINE.  I worked for it, slaved over it, made it perfect and enough to feed me and my family.  

    Go get your own pie, Michelle, and stop trying to stick your fingers in everyone else's.

  2. How'd you GET that there pie, pal?

    Every time I read one of these lame-as$ remarks from people quaking with fear that somebody is going to try to steal your moldy old dollars stuffed in your mattresses, I laugh my f***y off. Seriously. Howling with laughter.

    I got NEWS for you, pal.

    I have worked my as$ off since I was 15 years old.





    Always played by the rules. Never call in sick, never late, never said "No" to anything that was asked of me. Exemplary employee.

    And guess what?

    I'm perfectly OK with using my hard-earned tax dollars to help John Smith or Jane Doe get medication they need, or housing assistance for the mother of three who had a piece of $hit husband who went out for a pack of smokes and never came home.

    WHEN oh WHEN will I see you people start writing posts about EXXON and ENRON and BP OIL and GINNIE MAE and FREDDIE MAC and all the other thousands of Big Businesses who stick their slimy paws right in my wallet and STEAL my money???

    Know what you're doing?

    You're bending over picking up pennies while dollars fly over your heads.

  3. Nope. Socialist will give you a pie. Capitalists will take it away.

  4. haven't watched the whole video yet but sounds like the truth so far, like with taxes.  LEt's face it,we can't have the whole pie, we can't have lower taxes and all this change, someone is going to have to get higher taxes so that change can happen.

    I'm sorry... "American education is over funded," apparently it's been a long time since he went to school!

    so what I'm hearing is that they want a laizzez fair (I spelled that wrong) government, guess who was lazziez fair, Hoover, guess who was the complete opposite, FDR.  America NEEDS a president who's not afraid to do that right now.

  5. Yep.....and not just a small piece either.

  6. Maybe you can work for 40 years and have McBush ruin the economy so you don't have to retire and work till you are 90.

  7. yes

    top 1% of taxpayers, those who earn above $388,806, paid 40% of all income taxes in 2006, the highest share in at least 40 years. The top 10% in income, those earning more than $108,904, paid 71%. Barack Obama says he's going to cut taxes for those at the bottom, but that's also going to be a challenge because Americans with an income below the median paid a record low 2.9% of all income taxes, while the top 50% paid 97.1%. Perhaps he thinks half the country should pay all the taxes to support the other half.

  8. nothing better than pie

  9. There will be pie in the sky when you die.

  10. You took all the ingredients to make that pie from society and used our oven. You couldn't have done it in a third world country no matter how hard you worked.  It's only fair to share that pie you made with our eggs, milk and butter.

    No one truly makes 100 percent of his money by himself. Individuals depend on a wide array of government services to support the very free market in which they earn their money. Without these supports, there would be no free market in the first place.

  11. You listen to Glenn Beck? I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about a legitimate news source. I don't watch fluff television. Beck constantly references the second coming of Christ for crying out loud.

  12. They don't just want the pie. They want the plate you baked it in.

  13. Yes.  They want my pie too.  I grew up on the almost wrong side of the tracks, paid for my education, worked at crappy jobs and basically lived in poverty while in college.  Now I'm a licensed professional making six figures.  As a reward for my hard work I am now expected to carry the freight for deadbeats.  That's a jacked up deal, don't you think?

  14. I like pie. But I am greedy and you can't have any of my pie. Take it from your rich neighbors who keep people employed and invest in our country. That way we won't have any more pie...just crow to eat.

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