
Do soldiers cheat while they're deployed?

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I just want to know. My friend's husband is in the Army and she made a side comment about soldiers hooking up during deployment. Is this true? I can't ask a soldier because they lie for each other. If so, I don't want to be looking like a fool sitting here being there for my hubby if he's getting his socks knocked off by some stank ho over there. Thanks.




  1. Ah, they tell American Joe , ME so Hawny, me love you LONG time .... then he forgets his wife and gets some.

    Ah well.... nothing personal really

  2. Some do of course but a lot of them don't have time or the chance. The truth is the reason we have a lot of diseases here is when our men went over and fought at Vietnam.. my step dad said a lot of men were there and sleeping with everything they could get and there were no condoms around but they did it anyway. Some of those women want to get pregnant by a US man because they think they will get to come here and have their kid and some of them even want to be bought by the US man because life here is so much better.

    I think you need to judge your hubby on his personal credit instead of do soldiers do it in general.

    Go with  you gut and I wish your family the best.

  3. There are opportunities there to cheat just as there are opportunities state-side to cheat.  Female soldiers, other women working around them like private contractors as well as the iraqi and Afghanistan women there.  

    Bottom line-if he's the type to cheat at home, he'll most likely have no problem cheating over there.  

    Personally, I don't think anyone is a fool for doing the right thing.  Is that what you want to do-cheat?  That only makes you feel bad about yourself, gives you a bad reputation and doesn't solve anything.

    Hope it all works out for you

  4. FIRST..... A lot depends on where your husband is being deployed.... Some areas are more "tempting" than others. Iraq is NOT a place to hook up. The women are not that "tempting" and hooking up with an indig can get you killed......AND the girl killed.

    Women who have s*x with an infidel can be stoned to can her lover.  And frankly most of the women are not that attractive

    SECOND.....A man that is inclined to cheat.......will do it at home in your bed with the neighbor..... your proximity is not that important.

    Deployment does not make a man cheat any more than deployment makes a women cheat.

    FINALLY The risks are just too high..... Even with condoms you have a 2% chance of getting an STD..... and many of them are incurable as well as fatal...... Amanda Blake....Ms Kitty on "Gunsmoke" died of AIDs given to her by her philandering husband  

    Tell him if he wants you to stay true to him.....and "clean".....He should do the same...... marriage is a partnership  

  5. Not all of them.

  6. i just got out of the navy and once our ship left port suddenly all the guys wedding bands came off.  i'd say 15% deffinatly didn't cheat and 10% i didn't know but most did.

    find out who your hubby hates or dislikes or who he thinks is a big mouth and when they come back talk to that guy or girl.  thats what one of my shipmates wifes did and poor thing got a few laughs and a yes.

  7. I am retired from the military.  Some husbands cheat on their wives.  Some wives back home cheat on their husbands.  I think the vast majority are true to their marriages.

  8. I guess it depends on the guy and how faithful he is to his spouse.  

    Some missions might be more tempting then others.  In Japan and Korea there were "comfort" houses set up by the Japanese army to service the soldiers.  The "comfort women" or prostitutes were often forced into their trade but once in it had little options.  Americans and other troops then took advantage of these brothels.  

    I can't imagine there would be many women for the guys to cheat on in Afghanistan and Iraq even if they wanted to... but who knows.  

  9. I was in the Infantry, I rarely even talked to women while I was deployed, but there are no women allowed in my MOS, plus most Army chicks are dogs.

  10. It happens. My husband told me about it. Some female soldiers even get pregnant over there. This one married guy got in trouble for hooking up with this one chick...

  11. They can and just as easily you could back home as well.  If you have a sound marriage and you trust each other then you shouldn't have to worry about anything at all.  If you start worrying then that is going to make the deployment even harder and a doubt in your committment to each other.

  12. I cheated in a game of spades many times while deployed, but thats just me..

    Many people choose not to cheat while many do as they please..It depends on eaches character and not the military..

  13. The only thing that will be knocking on his socks, would be his hands.

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