
Do some Pagans create their own gods?

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Do some Pagans create their own gods?




  1. I would say that we open the channels for them to exist in this reality.

  2. No not all pagans. Some are smart and learn to read.

  3. Sadly yes.

    There are those who really believe that the Irish Potato Goddess actually exists.

    These are pagans that I can never and will never take seriously. It only shows they are too lazy to do thier homework. If your gods don't mean enough to you to learn about them, then they don't mean that much to you at all.

  4. I was going to answer that Edain McCoy made up the Irish Potato Goddess, but Heathen Princess beat me to it... drat.

    Yes, some Pagans do create their own gods. I would say most of us don't though. There are a few Pagan traditions that honor gods that *I* know of no historical evidence to support their existence but I am not an expert on those traditions so I can't really speak to where they claim their gods come from. So I guess the basic answer to your question is yes.  

  5. Paganism is a wide range of things. It could be possible. Wanna specify what kind of Pagans exactly?

  6. I'm sure some do, just as they did in the past.

    Who do you think invented the God of the old testament?

    (I'll grant you, the christian god wasn't invented be a pagen- it was invented by a jew)

  7. No, because if they created it themselves, then it's

    not a god..

  8. Yes, have you met my god Mr. Barky von Schnauzer?

  9. I know some .. but they have fallen. Everyone I know who chooses to be disrespectful and create their own "Gods" with no regards to whether this is sacred or not have all drifted away from Paganism.

    The fact is you do not ever create Gods. The Gods have ever been and will ever be. The Universe emanates from the Gods. We emanate from the Gods. We are to seek out and pay reverence and homage to the Gods.

    What we do as humans is merely create a modulus of worship, a mythos to help people approach an aspect of a deity. if you create something not sacred to the Gods the Gods will reject it. If you create something sacred and in alignment and conjuction with the Gods they will accept it.

    As a Hellenist I believe that the Gods are immanent and everywhere across the Universe and beyond the Universe. Because they are so vast and amazing and mysterious and unknowable no community, not even whole society can know them fully.

    What we as humans merely do is seek to pay homage to what we feel and understand is a part and activity of a God. In ancient times what happens is that cultus are form, myths are created to try to explain it.

    If the myths and cultus are in conjunction with the God or close enough to explain or point to the activity of a God the God will find it sacred and accept it. The story will become myth and the worship will prosper as the God responds ( under of course the name you give the God and the myth you give him or her .. but of course they are not bound by those myths or names .. they merely accept it as sacred )

    If it is not the God will not accept it and the cultus and myth will fade out. This is precisely what happens in the modern period with people who create their own Gods that are not sacred to the Gods .. they fade out. They scream to the Heavens, crying why they have spiritual poverty in their life. They have poverty in their spirituality because they have turn their back on the Light of the Gods and look instead into the darkness of their own ego. They worship themselves instead of the Gods.

    The ancient Greeks realized this and they also realized that the Gods that we know are merely localized, cultural version of many immanent divinities that spans the world.

    The Greeks realized that there are multiple deities but even one deity can have multiple faces and multiple types of worships and multiple myths to reflect his or her vastness.

    The Greeks on the Aegean Peninsula already realized that Zeus can be Zeus Olympios ( ie:- Zeus who rules the Heaven ) but he can also be Zeus Meilikhios ( ie:- the cthnonic Zeus who brings benefit ) or Zeus Herkeios ( ie_ Zeus who guards the Home ) etc.. So one God as known by one group of people can already have so many functions, myths, areas of influences etc.

    Yet Zeus is known the world over. The Greeks realized for example that the Egyptians worship Zeus as Ammon, that the Indians worshiped Zeus as Indra, that the Persians worshiped Zeus as Ahura Mazda, that the Romans worshiped Zeus as Jupiter.

    This makes him distinct from say Dionysius. Dionysius is a distinct God from Zeus and is known the word over as well. He is known to the Egyptian as Osiris, to the Semitics as Dumuzi, to the Scythians as Zagreus, to the Romans as Bacchus etc..  

    Wherever across the world people do something that is regarded as sacred by the deity the deity accepts it and makes it sacred. Thus the same deity can be known by many names and many worships and many myths and many functions but only if it is sacred to Him or Her.

    The God is known the world over and comes under religious worship and myths most suited to the environment and people and also melded to their understanding of the world.

    We do not create Gods .. we merely create worship and stories and names and titles of a God. If it is sacred or in conjunction with the Gods or points to an activity of the God .. the God will respond and accept it and then your worship will become a religion and your stories a myth and the name and tite of the God something that people gain response to.

  10. I believe so. I create thought forms, and many creame Memes.  

  11. All believers create their own god.

  12. Neo pagans, yes, you will see neo pagans praying to everything from fairies to elves to dragons and even UFO's o_O

    Reconstructionalist pagans and heathens, No.

    Gladly i'm the later.

  13. Some do.  

    And some don't.  

    I suppose I'm one of the ones that do.  Sort of.  Or rather, I take the concepts of gods that already exist and use them as metaphors for the forces of human nature.  Complex, indecipherable, powerful and often contradictory.  

  14. Why not? All gods are man-made. Pagans take this craft to another level though.  

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