
Do some black people use their race as a crutch?

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Do some black people use their race as a crutch?




  1. I am sure some do.  But there are plenty of people who use crutches in their lives.  And many times it has nothing to do with race.

  2. no. do some white people use their race as a crutch? possibly.

  3. h**l yes, look at Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Or how blacks are allowed to score lower for test for college or employment. Just look at Obama's church.

  4. Yes they do.....and ppl hav to really look at ur question.... u didn't ask if all black ppl do it...then the answer wud be 'no' ....u asked if some black ppl do it and yes they do. u see the thing about a crutch is that it gives support and once u remove the support that person has to stand on their own....much like black ppl....removing the race prop is easier said than done...bcuz racism is a reality ..and not jus for blacks ...unfortunately we suffered a great deal bcuz of racism and slavery. black ppl feel robbed and will continue to feel robbed bcuz in reality some of us are.. especially bcuz of of course they are going to use race as a reality they are deprived bcuz of their race and the same goes for many other non-caucasians.

  5. This question and the responses brought to mind Chris Rock's role in "Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back." It was hilarious... he made such a huge deal over the fact that he was black. "How would your daddy feel if he knew you were bringin' coffee to a black man? It'd kill him! <sniff, sniff> I smell a cracker... crack, crack crackah? What you want white boy?"

    It wasn't meant to be social commentary but it was. Of course not all black people use their race as a crutch, nor do all women use their s*x as a crutch... but enough to do upset hiring practices, school admissions and the destruction of the meaning of a bachelors degree.

    As to the Holocaust reference.... the Holocaust was 60 odd years ago and we still have people who survived it amongst us to discuss what happened. Slavery was 160 years ago and as far as I can tell no one alive today in America has been owned by anyone. You know, I've never owned a person, but I've spoken to a Holocaust survivor. In another 100 years, people probably will be saying "Are you still talking about that?"

    Plus never mind all the people dying in a brutal current day genocide in Burma, Darfur.... right? We're too concerned with who's going to win Big Brother XIVCC or stuffing our faces with the Artery Clogger from Hardees.

  6. What does that mean?  Like, do black people pull the race card whenever they can't win an argument.  You know people always say that black people should get over racism.  No one would ever ask a jew to get over the Holocaust.  Lynchings of blacks and the Holocaust both happened in our grandparents' life times, yet blacks are supposed to get over it.  Plus, racism happened(happens) in our own country.

  7. A Black kid at my school and i got in a fight and he told everyone i called him a ****** ( I didnt i swear to God)  and then everyone hated me and i was suspended for a week

    another thing  howcome black people can call us crackers and white boys and **** and nobody gives  its not a fair game  im not saying i would like to but if i dont call you something why should you have full right to call me something

  8. Cus it works. Every freakin time. (Not sayin all black people do this please don't crucify me for this response kthxlol) but those that do know it will work to their advantage. That or they are just really stupid. (Not bein racist again, as I think many MANY people are stupid)

  9. We don't. It's what's the problem.

  10. Do some? yes, but I dont see why it is so big of a deal that you would even ask it.  Blacks/AAs make up about 1/8 of the population, and a small fraction of that use their race as a crutch.  But I think that mindset and the whole race card thing is getting played out.  That mindset isn't as prevalent in the AA community anymore as u would be lead to think.  But keep in mind that there are blacks who work hard and are more than qualified for whatever they get and it gets old having people think u got somewhere because someone gave it to you.  Try putting yourself into someone else's shoes for once.

  11. well, the better question to ask is if you believe in white privilege--meaning, whites have it far easier than blacks.

    I for one think whites have a much easier life than most blacks, seeing as we NEVER have to deal with racism.

    so why can't blacks use their race as a crutch? if there was no injury or harm, they wouldn't need the crutch.

    (i'm not saying blacks are inferior, i'm just saying society makes it harder for them)

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