
Do some energy companies have a better track record of restoring power outages than others?

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I'm trying to choose an energy company to go with, and thought this might be a good factor to base my decision off of.




  1. Your current electric utility or Local Wires Company will continue to deliver your electricity. Your power will come from a regional power pool that includes energy from traditional power plants and other sources like wind, water, sun and natural gas. Because your local utility is still responsible for maintenance and repair, you will call these regulated firms in the event of an emergency or outage at the number provided on your bill. The trick is to choose an energy provider with low rates.

  2. It doesn't matter. If you buy from a reseller, the only thing that matters is who has the contract to maintain the lines.

    If you buy from Company "A" and your neighbor buys from "B", and then a tornado takes out 5 miles of power lines you are both out of power until the repair crews can string new lines.

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