
Do some fans take rivalries

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  1. yeah london derbies are the ones the fans take to serious lots of fights

  2. yes

    this is not the "boxing" section where everyone wants to kick each others ***

    its a football section

  3. yea your right , i dont mind liverpool fans util they start slagging me off for being a utd fan , if they leave me alone i dont mind, as long as i cant smell them

  4. it's all good as long as you(anybody) can take it as (most manchester united fans can't)

  5. Yes some go too everything! I mean a bit of banter is fine and healthy but death threats and fighting....someone has to draw the line!

  6. rivalries are healthy, but i have seen protestants and catholics killed just for being rangers or celtic fans, so the simple answer to your question is yes people take it too far, but when the likes of uranobhead oversteps the mark and starts to insult my family i take exception to that. i as a rule do not call liverpudlians bin dippers or thieves or anything like that, i will not deny i have no passion for the majority of their fans and their style of football, i will also stand by the fact i can't believe the stupidity of some of the liverpool fans at athens in light of the history of 2 disasters caused by over crowding, they can blame weak stadiums, bad policing, but i have 1st hand information on the subject and it was the law of the jungle and only the strong survive, ffs sake lads wake up and smell the coffee, likewise my heart goes out to every family member effected by both tragedies, anyway back to the topic, limits and boundaries banter united all day everyday, bribe refs live in a council flat in essex, but leave my family alone.

  7. i  think we call them HOOLIGANS(firms)

    i never liked it !

  8. Yes,and I have been guilty on few occasions myself.Sarcasm is fine but personal insults have no place in a public forum like this.

  9. Yes they do I asked a question about this some fans on here get way toooo personal with insults and act like al the rivals are the same it is stupid

  10. DUH! do the names giggs and uranob mean anything 2 you lmao!!!!

  11. No not at all. I hate pompey with a passion, born and raised in Southampton about 15 miles from portsmouth, avid SAINTS fan and have never EVER EVER been to portsmouth and never EVER will.

  12. DUH!!!

    and it is dumb to be quite honest because after game day the player go homes to their mansions and pretty wives while you are in jail, hospital or dead.

    so i say bring the peace.

  13. yes like when a fan buried a red-sox jersey in yankee stadium. that **** cracked me up

  14. ye like west ham and millwall is a massive rivalry and there is no need 4 violence, afta all its only a game of football  

  15. No, there's nowt wrong with a bit of aggro!

  16. Nope

  17. OH YES especially y Red sox And Yankees

  18. O yh the c**p you can read of youtube/buzznet/myspace is UNBELIEVABLE they turn into guardian parents.

    There like the LAW! YOU CANT this or say THAT!

    MAN SHUT UP U FAT TEEN FAN.(not u lol)

  19. Yes, h**l yes! Some people are more loyal to their 'team' as they are patriots to their country...its sad in some cases lol.

    Simple answer, yes and yes.

  20. In my email to Dan, there are individuals who insult to bait others. That is what trolls do. They draw attention to themselves.

    I suppose those who do take the bait are the ones who are usually passionate about they club. But they should be smarter in giving what the idiots want--attention.

    Ignore. Block.

  21. No way, its worse when one of the best players goes across town!

  22. Yes, there is a very fine line between banter and being insulting.

    The latter totally uneccessary on YA! in my opinion, but i doubt it will ever end, as some people dont know when to stop, and go on to personal things, which is totally out of order on here and on the streets.

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