
Do some people care about

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where u live or judge whether it's in a rich place or a poor place and treat u differently




  1. For me yes...I mean i dont care where others live, but when i tell people where i live, they treat me differently. See, the city i live in is basicly a very large hill. Average class families live at the base of the hill, (appartment complexes, normal houses, etc) Poorer class families live at the middle of the hill, which have very small one bathroom, 2 bedroom homes. and at the very tip tipity top of the hill is where i live. the "rich people homes". All i have to do is tell them, oh i live at the top of the hill. and they are like omg kat you are like rich! and when i go shopping with them, the are like omg why cant you just buy this shirt for me!! gosh you are so greedy. When we go out to lunch im  expected to pay...its really mean!!! Its not me who makes all the money, its my parents. and they are the ones who spend the money too! Its not fair. My friends expect me to have alot of money because of the size of my house. Truth is we bought our house way back when it was super cheap. There were literally sandwhiches in the walls, leggos in the cieling...we had to fix it up, which mean tthat is where our money went. We cant just spend spend spend. its not fair...

    hey check this out please!!;...

  2. I dont but many people do :]

  3. yep. (But I am a pizza delivery driver) I judge every where I go

    If it's a junky apartment or a poor place I'm probably not going to get a tip.

    I don't treat anyone differently tho... Poor people are still nice even tho they don't help me pay my rent or buy my baby diapers!

    : (

    I think most people will notice whether or not you're wealthy, but most likely treat you the same either way.

  4. I dont. I treat all as equals and treat them the way I expect to be treated

  5. Some people(JERKS) do but i dont,because i think that is wrong in so many ways.

  6. It isn't that one cares or doesn't care about a rich place or a poor place, it is to the advantage of the individual who judges, to humble themself to know that all aren't afforded everything and even though one individual doesn't have everything, doesn't mean they aren't happy.  Being content with what one possesses and to strive to improve on what can be improved makes for less judging and more contentment, to treat all with respect is all you can do, but if you don't get respect, well then it is up to the individual how they choose to deal with such situations.   God Bless.

  7. a lot of people care where you live.

    i don't live in one of the golf course areas, and therefore didn't go to school with any of the people i have classes with.

    Every single school i went to had very few "honors" people.

    so as a result, i didn't go to 5k with the people i have all my classes with. so i have very few friends.

    between that and the fact that my mom hates every single last one of my friends.

  8. i don't judge

    i don't get judged

    but if someones treating you bad for no real reason then just know that their bad people in their hearts...

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