
Do some people eat parakeets?

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I want to know! i looked everywhere and nothing! people eat cats and dogs.




  1. Nobody would eat a bird with that amount of meat on it.

    Its basically all feathers.

    No meat.


    Not even a sick creep would choose a Parakeet over somthing else.

  2. Yes. People in Australia eat them and call it good eat.

  3. those are sick people eating animals that should be a birthday present for a child!!

  4. Depends if when you say parakeet you are referring to budgies. I'm going to assume you are.

    The name budgerigar comes from the Australian Aboriginal word "betcherrygah", which means good food.

    Budgies have inhabited the open grasslands of central Australia for 4-5 million years, and Australian Aboriginals (who have been here for an estimated 45000years as apposed to white settlement of 200 odd years) pretty much ate anything they could get their hands on, as with any culture that was around before fast food. Remember that being an Island, most "meat" animals we have here today were introduced by settlers in the 1700's and onwards.

    Before that, the indigenous peoples ate what was available, and yes, that included budgies.

    Living in flocks of sometimes thousands it's easy to understand how many could be trapped at once to provide a good feed, although I don't believe it transferred to white settlement unless under severe circumstances of starvation on expeditions.

    The eating of budgies goes back thousands of years and rest assured that budgies are NOT eaten today, although it may be possible that some Aboriginal tribes that have shunned all modern ways and still live the nomadic lifestyle of their ancestors may still partake in this food source.

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