
Do some people in mexico not flush the toilet?

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my mom seems to think so..




  1. of course they do!!!!! I have no idea where your mom got this idea from!

  2. Because it's not AMERIKA and they don't believe in wasting resources.. like WATER which is in very short supply in Mexico, thanks to AmeriKa hogging it all so the rich tourists in Las Vegas and Phoenix can have green lawns and fountains.

  3. Water conservation is very important in chances are the toilet is only flushed once or twice a day, unless you go #2.  Also, we never throw paper in the toilet, it goes in a garbage can beside the toilet.

  4. Y'know what?  I live in Colorado, and we had a nasty drought a couple of years ago, and everyone became more conscious of how much water gets wasted.  We still don't flush every time we go in my house.  Water conservation.

  5. just what I was getting at .. before anyone thinks of this as a reason to bash Mexico you ought to think of "outhouses" in remote parts of ANY country

  6. You'll be lucky to find "a toilet".  They don't flush toilet paper, it goes in a trash can and most of the time and you'll be using an outhouse type of toilet unless you're in a resort!

  7. One of the main things is that the water system (pipelines and service and such) isn´t as efficient as in the US. Here in most common households, if you try flushing toilet paper it stays in the toilet for 3 or more flushes unless you pour a bucket of water to get enough pressure. And in poor houses which are more likely to not have water service, they collect buckets of water where they wash their dishes or clothes and then use that water to flush the toilet so the toilet always looks dirty from the recycled water. We do have many water problems everywhere and we can´t be flushing after every toilet use as nasty as that sounds and is , the reality is that we can´t afford to waste water.

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