
Do some people not have hangovers?

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I got really drunk last night by drinking almost a whole bottle ov smirnoff triple filtered vodka and i woke up this morning feeling fine although last night i threw up twice. Is it possible that some people just don't get hangovers?




  1. I never drank that much to see if I would.  But be careful. Some people are elergic to alcohol. Or the ther problem is you could be an alcoholic.  Good luck.

  2. I don't drink so I have no clue

  3. i think it just depends on what you drank and how much. usually if i drink a shytload and sleep for liek ever. ill wake up fine so maybe thats it

  4. I don't get hangovers.

    Well, that could be because I don't drink. =]

  5. Of course it's possible. The only reason you get the hangover in the first place is dehydration... so when you drink alcohol, make sure you also drink water or soda... you will still get drunk if that is your object... also before you actually decide to stumble into the bed drink a lot of water and keep a bottle by the bed so when you wake up you can drink something... soda is quite good because it contains sugar which helps you absorb the fluid and replenish your body... I do recommend however not to get drunk in the first place.

  6. The last time I got really drunk I was able to keep from throwing up (because I really hate to) but in the morning I still felt like throwing up a little.....but no hangover.

  7. i only get hangovers if i mix my booze, also drinks with lots of sugar and or lemon dont agree with me in the morning.....stick to beer eh!

  8. Sometimes some dont. Although you just probaly didnt get THAT drunk (A) or already had your hangover (b) during the night.

  9. It's possible. I have a friend who has never had any negative effects from booze, and he can get *plastered*. Also, the throwing up would help. It would also help if you had eaten something to help "soak up the alcohol" or drank a great deal of water. These are all ways to prevent a hangover. On the other hand, don't feel too lucky if you don't get hangovers. They're your body's way of reacting to something that is bad for you. If you don't have that, you will have a harder time telling when you've had too much, and too much = alcohol poisoning, which sometimes = death.

  10. MEEE! i dont throw up either! I do feel a little gross the next day, but nothing to bad.

  11. Hangovers are 90% regret.  No regrets, no hangovers.

  12. Up to this point I have yet to have a hangover. The best way to avoid a hangover is to hydrate while you are drinking. A glass of water every 1 or 2 drinks will help you with that.

  13. Maybe you threw up all of the alcohol? I only got hangovers when I didn't throw up. before going to sleep.

  14. i dont have hangovers either


    i just dont drink enough


    i threw up the night before


    in the morning i feel fine

    really hungery though

  15. ya there is always that possibility that ur blood is thick enough to be able to handle that much alchahol and not get a hangover

  16. i guess if your body is used to the alcohol.

    or your head hurts to much that you cant feel it. lol

  17. i never used to get hangovers ,i think vodka is less lethal than other spirits .as far as hangovers go (my drink of choice) however ,some years down the track ,even just a glass of dry white can do the trick .-ergo ,very little drink !!!!

  18. i dont get hangovers and im only 14

  19. You're young. Wait till you get a bit older, that sh*t catches up to you. When I first started drinking, I never got hangovers. Now, I get a hangover whenever I drink.

  20. yeap. they puke it the same night

  21. for the most part hangovers happen when you are dehydrated, alcohol is a diuretic.

    if you keep hydrated while drinking, you'll tend not to be hungover in the morning.

    if you vomitted more than you usually do, you may have gotten rid of the alcohol you drank before it could be absorbed into your system.

  22. Well everyone I believe has hangovers. But its just depends how severe it is. Its like periods, some have it heavy and some don't. Maybe your just not one to have really bad ones. And it might of been the booze maybe its doesn't have as bad of a effect.

  23. will get them if you drink alot all the time..if you did that evry night for a weak you wouldnt be able to sit on the pc cuz the screen is to loud

  24. Depends on the severity of the drinking (% blood alcohol).  Yes, some people are more tolerant than others.

  25. Puking usually prevents hangovers. I've never really been one to get hung-over, whether I puked or not, just lucky I guess.

  26. Yes, my body reacts as yours does, except I haven't thown up. This is a very bad sign, people like us are MORE likely to become alcoholics because we don't get the intense negative consequenses.

    Be a super hero don't use your super power very often- or you'll be sorry...

    Drinking kills off brain cells like you can't imagine.

  27. !i dont think everyone had hangover my friends chugged a bottle of vodka in one sitting and she was drunk and blacked out! She woke up and was fine no head-ache or dizziness. Consider yourself one of the lucky few

  28. I think it depends on how much a person has had to drink, and what they've had. I usually don't have a hangover, but when I do... watch out. I'm a real witch. (Spell it any way you like.)

    The funny thing is, if I drink at home, and get really hammered, I don't get a hangover. My husband (who is diabetic, and therefore does not drink) ends up with what should be MY symptoms. He gets mad when I drink during the week, because he has to go to work. lol

  29. Yup. When I was younger, that was a typical night :P. But getting older, I get them much easier... must be becuase my liver/kidneys are not as good

  30. depending on your age, size, etc etc, yes, the effect of alcohol can have affect people very differently

  31. if you drink plenty of water the night before or drink alot regularly, you probably build up an immunity to it like you do with the alcohol, i dont know though, im not a heavy drinker like that. But the reason you felt fine in the morning if cuz u puked out all the toxins, everyone knows if you puke the night before, itll make the next morning alot better.

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