
Do some women not experience Braxton Hicks?

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Is it normal to not have contractions at all? 34 weeks




  1. I am 33 weeks and 6 days and I have not felt any Braxton Hicks yet.  

  2. Every woman has braxton hicks contracions, however some never even notice one, its something your body does natually to get ready for labor, you start having them about 18 weeks, but you can feel them after about 25 weeks.

  3. Yes I never had a contraction until I was about 2 dialated

  4. I never had contractions with my first one until they induced my labor after my due date.

  5. I didn't have any until after I was induced (40wks 1 day) and then I didn't even feel them until after my water broke. I only felt maybe a dozen before the epidural kicked in.  

  6. i never did i didnt even know i was in labor i just went to my apointment and they told me

  7. i only ever had the one braxton hicks contraction about 2 weeks before i was due, then i was induced when i was two weeks over due lol

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