
Do someone know a website in which there are informations about how to make medicines with herbs?

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I am searching for a site where ther are instructions for making medicines from herbs. I need to improve my skills because of being a medical ninja and I am just a starter.





    great site legal and illegal drug info


  3. I have learned a lot from this site on how to make herbal medicine.

    Check this one out too, a PDF file.

    I personally am partial to tinctures, it is actually cheaper than you might think, cheaper than making healing herbal teas and you can carry a small bit around that STRETCHES in use! :)

    Also, in learning about herbal medicine, please be just as responsible about it as you would pharmaceuticals. Make yourself aware of contraindications (reactions on their own or bad effects when used with other things). A good place to start in generalities is:

    A few odds and ends in herbal healing recipes are cough drops ( ) and pastilles (which is ground up herbs that are useful for whatever ailment you need them for, just enough honey or 100% pure maple syrup to make little playdoh type balls the size of peas, and maybe a little bit of marshmallow root or powdered sugar, which helps bond it together if it's having issues). I wrap up my cough drops and pastilles in little squares wax paper and they are very useful for quick dispense, on-the-go medicines!

    Hope that helps a bit.

  4. Here is are two links to a website that gives specific instructions on making all types of herbal preparations:

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