
Do something good?

by Guest32305  |  earlier

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Hello. I am 14 years old. I really have the urge lately to do something good. I especially want to do something for the US troops overseas to aid them. I was thinking about making get well cards for wounded soldiers, but I don't know how to go about it. would the troops be allowed to get get better cards? Where do I send them? how do I address them? Thanks a lot! Ps I can't send anything else because I don't have a lot of money.

PS: I know I already asked this once before, but I didn't get substantial answers. sorry for the inconvenience!




  1. Visit the following website...they have lots of great ideas...

  2. Here's a few sites that might help:

  3. That is a good idea.  Make sure you have a reliable address before mailing because it be expensive especially if they are returned to you.

    Before Christmas, I received an address that seemed legit.  It was to send Christmas cards to the recovering service men in Washington, D.C. at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.,  I spent a several hours preparing 5 cards.  I copied a couple of things that I thought might be of interest to them and sent them off.

    On Jan.. 10, 2008, I received all of them back with a message on each saying, "Not Deliverable as addressed unable to forward".  I really couldn't understand it.  Even if the address was wrong; it seemed like the U S Govt. could have sent them to the Walter Reed Army  Medical Center.

    Have you called the Post Office in your town and asked them how you can find out where to mail them.  I know, that some packages have been mailed overseas at no charge.  Maybe you can find the deal on that.  Good luck on your project.  It is a very thoughtful one.  Maybe you could use the internet to find your answer.  If so; just find a way to verify the information before sending the cards.
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