
Do souls have a brain?

by Guest63275  |  earlier

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How can they think or do anything otherwise?




  1. Yes, the "mind" of the soul is the spirit.

  2. Yes---you and I are souls just as the Bible states at Genesis 2:7:

    "And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

    Souls eat--"but the soul that eateth of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace-offerings, that pertain unto Jehovah, having his uncleanness upon him, that soul shall be cut off from his people." Leviticus 7:20

    Souls are not immortal---they sin and they die__"The soul who sins shall die."

    Animals are called souls in the Bible also.

    A soul is any living thing that has the breath of life in it.



  3. I was just discussing the two headed baby boy and your question makes perfect sense, of course soul have a brain, they just don't have a body.

  4. The soul is the personality resulting from choices and environment.

    The mind is the essence of the spirit in choosing right or wrong.

    The body is the physical vehicle for expressing both in the earthly life.

  5. There is indisputable evidence for brains in most animals. The evidence for "souls" is absolute zero.

  6. Yes mind, they can think, soul is inside your physical body, and does not leave until you die.

  7. LOL, thanks I needed that

  8. Soul is a spiritual entity; brain is a physical entity.

    A dead physical being can have a brain, but not a soul.  

  9. they don't have feet either..

  10. god is spirit and yet he can think therefore in his higher plane of existence brain isan't needed, defining brain in earth you would know that brain is needed to function therefore in this plane of existence it is mandatory to have a brain to function(in sense so you can't use philosophy on me hahaha) and a spirit in the next plane doesn't.

    simple logic huh? hope it helps (^_^).v,,

  11. A "soul" is not a physical entity - it is a term dreamt up to explain human consciousness and cannot, therefore, have a brain (which is physical organ).

  12. When you can access universal knowledge a brain isn't needed.  Since we cannot do so and be human, we need a brain at this level of being.

  13. Souls ain't real.
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