
Do spacers hurt?

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Im getting spacer in my mouth tommorrow and Im not a a chicken or nonthing but do they hurt putting them in and when they are on you?




  1.  I have spacers and they are the most annoying thing in the world. They hurt like f**k and I can only eat soft foods.

  2. Yes. I'm gunna tell you the truth. They hurt like h**l. I've had mine three days, and I can't bite ANYTHING. it hurts to even bite on like, a piece of bread. Sorry for scaring you , but I wont sugar code it. It KILLS.

  3. they won't hurt when the dentist puts them on, but the next day is really bad. i couldn't use my back teeth where the spacers are. right now i'm in pain and really irritalble by these things. the dentist will take them out when the teeth that are supposed to grow come out. until then, it'll hurt for 4 days to a week. we're on the same team i guess.
    (sorry if this is a downer)
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