
Do spacers hurt???

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i've read that spaces hurt a lot and they say that they hurt eventhough more than braces!! i don't know what to think but i'm really very acared!! help...




  1. Guest32200

    it hurts soooo much. it's been a day since ive gotten my four spacers on, and at first they don't hurt, but a few hours later they'll hurt really badly! you'll be living off soup, bc even biting down hurts.

  2.  Yeah... I just got my spacers yesterday. It dosen't hurt unless I bite down. xP Which one hurts more? Spacers or braces? Just wondering xD

  3.  No! Just have spaggetti or something soft for tea just had mine done this morning hehe lool! xxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. I got spacers almost 2 weeks ago. They were just a little sore at first, but now my teeth hurt really bad. When I went back to the orthodontist after 1 week to get bands put on, they could only fit them and put the spacers back in because it was so painful. It only hurts when I bite down. It is the most painful thing I've ever felt, and nothing helps. I've tried pain killers, warm salt water, mouth rinse for tooth pain and Orajel. No relief. :)

  5.  They hurt sooo bad after you get them. But dont be scared its only one day after that just take a advil or somthing like that at night time before you go to bed,and you will be fine the next day. :)

  6. I have 12 spacers and my teeth are really tight together!!!! Will they be able to put my braces on ?

  7. So i got my spacers in yesterday at about 1pm and they did sorta hurt exp the right back one b/c the women forced it in. But let me tell you what eat soup, nuke warm soup, oragel and tooth pain killer b/c right now its my second day and it is def not fun i hate this.

  8. HURRTTTTS SOOOO BAD! It's been a day and a half and it's gotten so much worse :/

  9.  I just got spacers today, and I think they feel different for different people. Mine don't hurt if I leave them alone but they ache if i try to bite down on anything. For some people, spacers are worse than braces, but I think it depends on your individual mouth and teeth alignment. I think braces are going to hurt way more for me, though, so :s

  10. no, it does not hurt when they out it in, i got 5 of them this afternoon it take like 30 min to get used to,. but 1 is hurting now. otherwise thay dont hurt at all

  11. i got my spacers today, had 4 of them, hey didnt hurt at all when i had them in, it was just like a bit of pressure then when they were pushed in i was fine :) its been a few hours and i made the mistake of eating a kfc. stick to soft foods people!!! :L

  12. i just got them did not hurt at all

  13. they hurt when you bite your teeth i got them yesturday but you should eat soft food

  14. I got spacer 2 days ago.  They hurt like h**l.  Your mouth feels really tender.  Stick to soft foods or you will be in lots of pain!

  15. no, they dont, but it varies from person to person. but then again, i've only had mine in for 3 hours. it hurt when the orthodontist first put them in. now, it just feels like stuff is stuck in between my teeth.

  16. Spacers are more uncomfortable than hurting.  I got mine yesterday, and, in the beginning, it just felt really weird.  Now, my teeth mainly feel sore, but I'm stuck eating soft foods

  17. They pinch when there are getting put on, and a few hours later it feels some of your teeth are loose. They stay in 3-7 days. THEY DO NOT HURT MORE THEN BRACES

  18. 3rd day with spacers, and it's become more uncomfortable; pain is worse..only when I eat though. I cant's bite down on stuff because only then is the pain present, and yes I need to stick to soup or soft food for the rest of the week..I heard braces will be very similar in not looking forward to that; since I love to eat..maybe this will become my involuntary

  19. I got them today and they are annoying, one side hurts a little bit so I took some Tylenol to ease the discomfort; It's tightening between your teeth as if you got some piece of meat stuck, and then biting down is a little weird.. They are not very bad, but I am scared to get braces now..

  20. The dentist puts them in starting at the bottom then working up , like flossing. When doing that it may feel pressured but nothing to cry over. I took one ibuprofen but i didn't really need it. It may feel weird to chew at first but its NOT really painful, its just feels like a little pressure on your teeth. You get WAY used to it after a day or so. (:

  21. To tell the truth ur freinds r right cause I got spacers yesterday and they will hurt for the past week
    I don't recomend medefqtion cause they do bad thongs to ur body and if ur teeth and gum are healthy then it will make spaces easier and it will hurt less

  22. Its funny its like a hurt kind of iratating pain.  I just got my spacers today and they are driving me crazy.  I feel like taking them out.

  23. YES THEY HURT LIKE ****!!

  24. i got spacers today and right now they are just soooooooo annoying!!!!!!!!!! those people out there that have spacers will probably agree with me! they didnt hurt me that much but ugh they are the most annoying thing in the WORLD!!!!!!

  25. yeah i got 8 spacers today. 4 on top 4 on bottom. it doesnt hurt that much like how people are explaining it.. i just dont know if it will get worse.. but im pretty sure it wont. its just sore and it feels like a big gap in between your molars. but other than that, i can stand it without any pain medication.. oh yeah when you bite down, it feels squishy but i dont usually bite down anyways.. and when you eat, it kinda feels sore when you bite in the back.. but other than that, it doesnt feel that bad. :]

  26. I have them in right now and they dont hurt, they just wake your teeth a bit sore, its not worse than getting a shot or worse than a bruise or falling, trust me. if it starts to bother me, then i put tootch ache stuff on it and it feels better. the worst part about it is that it is annoying in your mouth, you have to bite on it and it squishes the spacer. You cant feel it when you eat. 50% good, it wont bother you! 50% bad I lost 1!!!

  27. Yes Spacers do hurt. I got in a total of 8 ( 4 on top, 4 on bottom) yesterday.This is my second day, And this is the worst pain ive had so far. I would try all the possible solutions to ease the pain ( pain killers, ice, sleep,)Oragel doesnt really work for long. Dont pick at them ! even if they feel like they might b slipping out. Picking at them irritates your gum's . Stay away from hard solid foods, those make the pain worse ! Oh, and when i chew my food , i try not to use my molars. because when u bite down, theres a lot of pain.  
    But look at it this way,  u get ur spacers then braces. then a great smile. :) Just hang in there, I am !

  28. my opinion spacers do not hurt at all and getting braces on doesnt hurt at all the only thing that hurts is getting braces takin off :\\ i just got my braces off two days ago and the take this thing and pop them off and it hurts really badd

  29. I just got my spacers on today.! They really hurt... but just try not to think about it than you wont feel it...Thats what I do xP

  30. Im not sure about it either because im getting mine this friday and im really scared! I really hope they dont hurt too bad cuz i have my champion basketball game that saturday! i hope they dont mess up me playin! SCARED, SCARED, and SCARED!!!!! lol

  31. umm...well, i actually came to this site coz i just went to my dentist this morning and set an appointment to put spacers on... well, mom kept on nagging me it does hurt, so i tried looking for oppinions... well in this case, i should just be fearless.... hanks for the info though... *hope they wont hurt as much as you guys say so... hahaha ;)

  32. I got 10 spacers,gotta wear them for another week
    it hurts pretty bad because my back teeth are really close together

    soup and icecream makes it better though lol,thats pretty much all ive been eating

  33. I got mine this morning and they hurt but its bearable , its kind of like if you have had a tooth out , that painright after it happens. i only have to have mine for 3 days and i heard the second days the owrst and the third day it is qquite managble and with medicine its easy peasy no pain :)

  34. yes i just got them today and they hurt like crazy I keep eating ice cream and soup and it seems to help but still i have had them before and it hurt less.  It hurt more than ever because the lady was tiring to force them in my molars that aren't in yet... ouch!!!!!!!!

  35. Ummmm, i don't know yet, because im getting mine in about a week!!!! But from what i heard they hurt like crazy!My friends have told me some stuff to know about spacers. So make sure when you go in to get them on you take some pain releiver ( anything pain killer you use to help a headache: Advil, Motren, Ibuprophen, etc) this will help reduce the pain after you get them on.
    Things to know- Do NOT pick at your spacers.
    Do NOT eat chewy or sticky foods like taffy, GUM, or candies, this will pull your spacers out and it will hurt!!!
    Do NOT floss in the spacer where your spacer is!

    Also it is common for your spacer to fall out close to the time you are supposed to get them taken out. This just means that a sufficient space has been created and the spacer is no longer needed to keep expanding the space. Consult you orthodontist though when this happens incase the want you to try to put it back in.

    You will feel pain so try to tolerate the best you can, and eating hard substances of food will be a gib challenge until the 3rd or 4th day of having them. So try some soft foods like mashed potatoes and smoothies!

    Good Luck, Hope this helped!

  36. Yes. It is Thursday now and I got mine 2 days ago. I fel most of my pain during the second day (yesterday), I am sorry, but it was excrutiating, but it is starting to go away, which is a good sign.I still can't eat any hard foods, and I am using Advil which helps a lot and Oragel which doesn't help much at all... Good luck!

  37. I just got my Spacers put on today at 9:15 in the morning, but I took Tylenol at 8:00 (basically an hour before the spacers where put in), then I went to school. I lasted out the school day without any pain (probably because I didn't eat breakfast OR lunch, heheh...). When I got home at around 4:00, I ate some soup (like I was told to by my parents) and about 30 minutes after I ate some soup, the pain started. I didnt have any pain killer, it was in my moms car, who was, unfortunately, at work. And guess what I had to do, I had to gurgle/gargle like 8 ounces of warm water mixed with a tablespoon of salt. It didn't really work. My mom came home and then I took the tylenol, and I feel alot better. There is still a little discomfort, but no real pain like I was experiencing earlier on. Let's see what happens when I try to go to sleep.

    Good luck, mate.

  38. i just got them yesterday, and yeah they hurt pretty bad unless you leave them alone.. i took tylenol right when i got home, and totally forgot about them. its hard to eat, and brush my teeth. I'll only have mines for 4 days(:

  39. I got my spacers a couple days ago, and it didnt not hurt at all when they put them in, but after awhile they started hurtin so bad.... the only thing ive eatin for the past 3 days are mashed patatos, soup, and bisquit gravy. but if you take headache medicine, then they dont hurt as bad

  40. i just got mine put in 2 days ago and trust me, youll probably be on a soup or mashed potato diet for a few days. i havent really been able to eat solids since i got them put in. luckily youll only have them in for a week or so. but to answer your question, they may hurt the day after but after that its just a tight pressure you feel, and only "pain" when you try to eat

  41. It really just depends on how tight your teeth hurt.  I got them this morning and I have 8 total right now.  So since I have 8 and my teeth weren't that tight, it doesn't hurt that bad, but if your back teeth are really tight, then it will probably hurt A LOT more.  So good luck and TAKE ADVIL BEFORE YOU GET THEM ON!!!!!!!  trust me it will help sooooo much! :)

  42. I got mine yesterday, and at night, i coudlnt sleep cuase of the pain. I woke up and could barely eat a pop tart. But i learned that if you just keep them there, dont play around with them or anything and it wont hurt.
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