
Do spartans exist nowadays?

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Do spartans exist nowadays?




  1. The city of Sparta existed several thousand years ago, but I'm sure some of the Spartans are still alive. They must be very old and senile, of course.

    Are you one of them?

  2. umm the spartan empire was destroyed like a thousand years ago, maybe in Greece some descendants are still around but they wont look anything like the guys from 300 so i wouldn't bother looking lol

  3. Yes thank G-d.  Now we call them United States Marines.

  4. Spartans were never an ethnically different, they were Greeks. They were culturally different. the "Ancient Spartan" culture no longer excists, although there are Greeks living in Sparta today, these people are in a sense "Spartan"

  5. Yes spartans do exsist today. However generally speaking they do not maintain the warrior-war based culture that made them famous thousands of years ago.  they did come to dominate much of greece after they successfully conquered athens.  However, their own culture ended being their downfall.  The spartans were a slave culture, and relied on slaves called healots, to do the agricultural work while "citizen" spartans had the honor of serving in the army.  ultimately, their culture was unable to adapt to changes in the world and they would eventually lose the military advantage they had held in years past. Up and coming city states such as Argos, would eventually unite other city states against sparta and the were conquered and sparta was destroyed. Of course some decendants from spartan people do exsist still in greece. But know they are refered to as greek and not spartan.

  6. The city Sparta still exists today but it no longer remains the independent state it once was. Whether the people of Sparta still call themselves "Spartans" I don't know but I suppose its like called your self a "Bostonian" if your from Boston or a "New Yorker" from New York. So while the militaristic Spartans no longer shrive, the city-going Spartans do.

  7. No. They were so Macho they got themselves killed.

  8. There's a Sparta New Jersey....I guess they are Spartans?

    But seriously, Sparta does still exist and there are still people there that follow the military training regimin (within reason) of the ancient Spartans.  Kind of like training in karate.

  9. Yes at Michigan State University and Unversity of Southern California. Crazy Huh? What are they teaching those kids.

  10. haha thats my old school's mascott!

    anyways, like the one guy said there are descendents but...

  11. yes

  12. No they no longer roam the earth except in history books and fictional novels.

  13. well lets just go to sparta and say hi

  14. yes they are a special military group...chosen at birth and trained at the age of six...and genetically enhanced...and they use Mjoner fight the covenant...and the flood.....John Gears Spartan 117 is the most popular

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