
Do special ed teachers only work with special-needs students?

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Also, which is in higher demand in the Midwest: high school social studies teachers or special education teachers?

Can special ed teachers teach grades K-12 with one degree?




  1. Yes, unless they have another degree and have a dual position.  Some sped teachers work in inclusion classrooms where they would be dealing with gen ed students.  High school sped teachers are more in demand...last time I checked high school social studies jobs were the hardest to come by.  it depends on the state and when you got your degree.  In many states in the recent past, your sped degree got you certified k-12 in your disability a lot of states are requiring sped majors to specialize in either primary or secondary.

  2. generally, yes-they only work with special needs students-

    but they could co teach a mainstream class or be an adviser for a club or sport with non special needs students

    In my area Teacher of teh Handicapped certification is goor for ages 3-21.  But the teacher must be Higjly qualified in the intended area of instruction-for sinsatnce to be a gebral ed elementary teacher-you need x number of credits in general subjects-to be a middle or high school subject teacher-you need x credits in that particualr subject

  3. Depending on where you are most special ed teachers need to have some post graduate qualifications. And at an undergrad level the courses available are either for primary/elementary or secondary education. So they could potentially work as either a mainstream teacher or use their post grad qualifications and do special ed teaching.

    with the K-12 I'd say yes probably as most special schools are k-12 anyway.

    Sorry don't know about the job opportunities in the midwest as I am from australia

  4. Increasingly, sped teachers are being asked to work with non-IEP students, or those considered at-risk for needing sped services, not just students identified as having special needs.

    There is a shortage of special ed teachers everywhere. Just check out school district websites under the employment sections and you will see many job openings.There are many reasons for this, but one reason is that sped teachers are being given larger and larger numbers of children to work with and are feeling less effective in helping those students who really need it. Some are leaving the field and there aren't enough college graduates replacing them. No one should go into the field of special education  unless they are highly motivated to help these types of students.

    Sped teachers have one degree, but need multiple certifications or endorsements to work with different grade levels. University programs guide their graduates in obtaining the credentials they need. It is a good idea to obtain a master's degree as well. Many districts will pay for some of the graduate level studies or you can get your Masters before being hired.

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