
Do special education students become smarter or less retarded?

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Do special education students become smarter or less retarded?




  1. Not all special education students are "retarded". They can be classified with learning disabilities, physical disabilities etc. Anything that effects or gets in the way of their learning. It is the hope once they are classified that all students will improve with whatever modifications, if any, they are getting. Now that you understand this, or are closer to understanding you will realize that the question that you ask is very offensive to many people. It could have been asked in a much different way, with the same results...or nicer ones anyhow.

  2. Hmm, it would probably take a "retarded" person to ask such an inappropriate question.

  3. They become more retarded!

  4. I wonder how long it will take for your question to be removed.  Its offensive; but I have to admit, you got a smile out of me.

    Sarah Silverman- "I wish the retarded can become re-smarted."

  5. mean question lol,but i think they get smarter.

  6. They learn but slowly depending on the intelligence but usually can not remember much or long.

  7. First that all, let me tell you that you're ignorant.BUT life will show you that. Remember  you can be on the top at this moment and at the bottom in the next minute.

    Students with special needs expand their knowledge!!!!

  8. I'm going to have to go with smarter. Even regular schools don't seem make people less retarded.

  9. You could have worded that more eloquently, but I'm sure that was on purpose.

    To answer your question, special education students (btw, some have ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, and other learning disorders) do benefit from these classes and become smarter. The majority don't have IQ issues, just learning disabilities that require different teaching methods. Perhaps you should volunteer to help in one of the classrooms sometime and try to see what it's all about. It may surprise you. ;-)

  10. no.

    im a special ed student. and im like a normal kid. i have a ton of friends, i got out on weekends, i have a boyfriend, im a normal kid. its just that we get help in certain things, and also we have more accommodation's on standardized test and the way we learn is modified but not even that much.

  11. when  i was born i was told that i have a learning disabilities and right  now you can't really tell that i have a learning disability

  12. As a former spec ed student (until 2nd grade, out in 3rd grade), I resent your question. There are all kinds of special needs students. I am dyslexic. I'm not sure what some of my friends' problems were because they seemed pretty smart to me. It seemed to be more of a problem of home life and attitude towards school. Fortunately, I had a great home life and a good attitude towards school because I knew that I would be a college graduate, which I am. I also work and am almost finished with a masters.

  13. Retarded is one of the most offensive terms in the English language.

    It would be better to describe yourself as "special".

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