
Do speed limits apply to bikes?

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Do speed limits apply to bikes?




  1. Absolutely! All rules of the road apply to bicycles.

    But it sure is fun to try and break the speed limit.  I can easily get up to 25 mph on a flat stretch - which in a 20 mph school zone is speeding.  I was clocked recently by a radar/photo trailer in just such a situation, but it didn't snap a picture.  Hmm???

    When I do my hard rides I don't usually carry a license or much of anything, so I'm not sure how I'd actually get a ticket.

    I have been pulled over for failure to yeild to a stop sign (I swear no one was around... except that motorcylce cop! I usually obey, honest!) and had no ID.  He let me off with a warning.

    There is nothing quite like the feeling of going the speed of traffic and therefore qualifying as a legitimate road user, unfortunately, this is usually over the speed limit.

    There are plenty of hills around here where I actually have to brake to keep from speeding - and slamming into the cars ahead!

    You know if you aren't a danger to yourself or others you'll probably get off with a warning if caught.  No gaurantee though.

  2. speed limits apply to any vehicle,bikes,cars,go cars,motorcycles etc.

  3. can you really get your bike going that fast?

  4. if you were fast enough to beat the speed limit, yes.

  5. Bikes always need to go faster. That is an official rule. No matter where I see bikes, they are always going much too slow. My advice is start out on a hill, or something.

  6. I suppose they do because bikes need to follow all traffic signals and such.  But if you can get up to 30mph, hey go for it!

  7. yup. but if your on a real road i doubt you'll get pulled over

    but if you have speed limits on designated bike paths, you might.

    theres a huge bike path in my city with a speed limit of 15mph & cops do monitor it.

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