
Do spells REALLY work...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not really into that stuff, but has a spell every worked for someone




  1. No.

    Misdirection, confusion and self-delusion. These are things you can count on.

    Spells that work are something you can count on not happening.

  2. Magic is like God, it is imaginary.  

  3. It really depends on how you look at the world I suppose.

    From what I've encountered in terms of spells and witchcraft, many of the enchantments are vague. This leaves the success open to interpretation. If you cast a spell to make somebody have a horrible day, it's relative to how you see their day rather than how they see it. People will tell you that they have done incredible things with spells, but I remain skeptical to this, I've never actually seen any witchcraft done.  

  4. A 'spell' is really a ritual to give thanks to the planet and it's elements. Maybe to empower a person to do something. Nothing more.

    If you are basing your understanding of Wicca on will be really dissapointed.

  5. Yeah spell checks work fine for me.

  6. Not that i know of, unless someone lied and said it did?

  7. Nope.  Magic isn't real.


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