
Do sperm banks make sure you are not getting a relatives donation? Do they check that a yale graduate is that?

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If I buy sperm I don't want to get my uncles annonomous donation. If I ask for a prestige donor I want to know that the research was done to make sure I get what I pay for?




  1. When you purchase sperm from a sperm bank, you will  have a list of donors from which to choose from.  Since I assume you know your uncle, even though his donation would be given a number and not a name, you would be able to identify those who could possibly be him, and rule them out.  Most will give you hair/eye color, weight, years in school, hobbies, info about growing up, and the option to order (for a fee) a more advanced information packet about each donor if you choose.  I think you would be able to feel comfortable about not getting your uncle's.

    As to knowing how true the info is......that's the risk you have to take.  If they say Donor 111's IQ is 150, there is no way to research that to know if its true.  There are all kinds of privacy locks in place to keep you from finding the identification of the donors. You're just going to have to take them at their word.

    Make sure your sperm bank follows a governing body's set of rules....if they do that, you'll be more reassured.

  2. Some sperm banks now are making it possible for the donor to leave his name and other information. some sperm bank dont how ever. there is no way to know for sure if the person is being completly honest about there backround either.

  3. No.  They don't check.

  4. Nope most donors are anon to the parties that are actually using the sperm......................eww

  5. some do they make the donor give there info and stuff so the person knows who sperm goin in they p***y and other juss give you the sperm and leave.

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