
Do sperm really die when it hits air? is that true?

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Do sperm really die when it hits air? is that true?




  1. Not immediately. They die when they dry out or get too hot.

  2. nope not true at all

  3. People confuse sperm with seminal fluid. Sperm are microscopic little swimmers that swim in seminal fluid.

    When seminal fluid hits the air.. the sperm do not die.

    When there is no seminal fluid.. that is, when it dries.... then the sperm are surely dead. That is to say that when "sperm" actually hit the air.. they die. They cannot survive outside of seminal fluid.

  4. OK-- figure it out for yourself:  a guy who contributes to a sperm bank or to test his s***n for sperm viability will ejaculate into a cup. He will hand it off to a technician that will then process it, taking some time.  So if sperm died when ejaculated how can guys contribute to sperm banks or get tested?    Sperm cells live for several hours or even days if maintained at the right temp and not allowed to dry out.

  5. No they don't.

    As a matter of fact .... there have been virgin births because the sperm got into the v****a on the hand .......  

  6. nope

  7. No.  Sperm lives for 3-4 hours in the air after ejaculation, but can live in a woman's body for about a week.

  8. No, sperm do not die when they hit the air. This is a common myth!

    Sperm can usually live up to seven days when they're in the cervical mucus of a woman's v****a. However, when they're not being nourished and protected by cervical mucus, vaginal secretions, the warmth and moisture of a man's urethra and reproductive tract, or other warm and moist conditions, they die anywhere between a half an hour to four hours.

    If you've touched s***n, it's a good idea to wash your hands, or at least wipe them off before touching the v***a or v****a.

    All the best

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