
Do spiders have ears?

by  |  earlier

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I was vacuuming and I saw a spider run away from the vacuum. I was just wondering, can they actually hear anything, or do they just use other super acute senses to suffice?




  1. feel sound

  2. WHAT?

  3. They don't have ears, but they have Spidey Senses.  

  4. nope, they are actually covered with small "hair" like things that are sensitive to vibration. They also use this sense for hunting purposes and to see. Some species of tarantula and spider are sensitive enough to feel you enter the room.

    also, their eyes only make out shadows and lights. blurs of motion and color. most everything they do is done via vibration.

    when they mate the males actually "call" out to the females by pounding on the group with their pedipalps (arms kinda) like they are playing the drums.

    to that spider, the vacum would have felt like a tornado is coming. no wonder he ran.

  5. no but they hear vibrations

  6. they feel vibrations  

  7.   No but they are very sensitive to vibrations
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