
Do spiders have extra senses beyond taste,touch,sight,hearing and smell?

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Do spiders have extra senses beyond taste,touch,sight,hearing and smell?




  1. They can also sense fear.

  2. Not really, but they do sense all of the above in very different ways than we do.  

    They pick up chemicals in the air with specialized hairs across their body, giving them a sense of smell.  They can also pick up vibrations in the air with other kinds of hairs, giving them a sense of hearing.  With other specialized hairs on the pads of their feet, they sense vibrations in the ground.  This builds on their sense of hearing and touch, and helps them detect movement around them.  Most spiders have very poor eyesight, but some have very good eyesight.  Jumping spiders are known to have the best eyesight of any arthropod, and their eyesight even compares to some vertebrates.  They can even move their receptors behind the lenses, allowing them to move their eyes around inside their head.  No other kind of spider can do this.

  3. Nope...but scorpions have these pectines on thier underbellies that sense temperature and act as chemo-receptors. Guess that qualifies as touch, though..seemed a level up to me

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