
Do spiders hold grudges?

by Guest67190  |  earlier

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Haha. Yes, I know stupid question but this morning this huge brown spider suddenly came out from behind my desk and crawled towards me. Of course, I ran away from the desk and saw it crawling on the book I was just holding and went under the desk.

A few days ago, I saw it in my closet and so, I decided to clean my room. I mean like, throw things I never use, move almost every furniture and vacuum the floor and the ceiling, removed the webs, etc.

Maybe it's just me being paranoid but I seriously do not want that huge spider biting me while I'm sleeping or something. We didn't poke it or harm it in a direct way that I know of. haha..(-__-)

I don't know if it's a Brown Recluse spider since I didn't really take a good look at it and I don't even like looking at pictures of them but hopefully it's not. We just sprayed Raid in my room but I highly doubt that killed it.




  1. i hope not...!

    uhh. brown recluse is by far the worst. i hate those... :(

  2. na i am almost positive dont it probly went hunting and crawed on you you moved it got scareed and bit you when you sprayed toxins it probly did kill it

  3. Do spiders have brains?????

    Does the rain today remember it did wet you yesterday ?????

    Come on, get a life and don't be paranoid.


  5. I doubt it but whenever I kill one I always leave its body laying there for a couple of days as a warning to the others.

  6. Hahaha I highly doubt it

    Just squish it with a flyswatter if you want revenge on him, or take him outside with a piece of paper. (but get someone else to take him outside since I think you don't really like spiders)

    Or this spider could be some mutated thing that has a brain :O

    Then it could hold a grudge :)

  7. I hope they don't hold grudges!   EEEW!  I hate spiders!  They are so gross and scary.  Next time, grab something and throw at it and kill it or if you know someone who doesn't care to catch them, let them catch it, and throw it outside!  

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