
Do sports figures make too much money?

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I know they should get paid, but should it be multi-million dollar deals? I don't think they should here is why. The more they make the more we spend to go see them and some of them just don't care about the money there making, because look at how many players are getting i trouble. the money has went to there heads and there bored.




  1. the men USA soccer playes do. they are not as good as the womens and yet they get more money than them

  2. They are paid what the market allows. If people would not pay $100 for a seat, or $125 for a jersey, they would not get paid that much. As long as people keep paying, they will keep raising prices. If you don't want them to get paid that much, all you need to do is convience a few million people to join you and not buy, or watch any of it.

  3. Sports pulls in all that money. Who else do you want it to go to? It wold just go to the owners who don't deserve it.  

  4. My dad quit watching sports because it wasn't as good as it was before, back in the day, they played because they loved days a lot of people play it for the money...

    Wheres the heart in the game anymore??

    Now my dad only watches the schools games and stuff

    So, to your answer, YES they pay them way too much.

  5. I think so. But remember, professional sports is business. A multi-billion dollar business. Just look at what a 30 second commercial in the Super Bowl costs; and then it's easy to see why the players make millions to, essentially, play a game.

    And I think big money only enables troubled players to find more trouble. With all the cash they will ever need and more; they develop a feeling of invincibility; that they can and will do whatever they want; above the law.

    It's sad, but it's true.  

  6. Athletes really are no different than you or me. I know when I go to work I want the best possible pay for my ability and quite frankly while I am earning my money I dont sit around worrying about if the consumer can afford me or my product. As with any product (and as much as we hate to think of entertainment as a commodity it is) the consumer will ultimately dictate whether or not the product is priced out. With the reality of billions of dollars at stake they rightly ask for as many of those dollars as they can get. The owner promotes the game and the player makes the sacrifice of body, time and often family.As for the trouble they find themselves in...again this mirrors society. If the athlete is the only person committing crimes then society is just in calling them out for their fat heads. But they are basically ordinary people that maybe sat in a chair next to you in school and are just as suspectible to temptation as anyone without proper moral guidance. As unfortunate as it is many of these players come from difficult circumstances and the old adage "You can take the kid out of the ghetto but you cant take the ghetto out of the kid" sadly rings true in some cases. Instead of focusing on the negative and guys that havent learned how to behave in society (lets face it, money or not many of them would still be criminally influenced) think of all the players who have gone back to where they came from and made positive impacts on what otherwise would just be more troubled youth. That isnt reported because it isnt considered newsworthy and society thrives on the poorly behaved plus most athletes that make a positive impact on society do it not for the glory but to truly give back what was given to them. Good moral values dont require accolades, they only require an appreciative recepient.  

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