
Do stick insects eat oysters?

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i have a male and female and i'm trying to breed them, i was told to give them oysters,,, why?




  1. don't do it, if u will give them, the affect will be what u wanted, just that u won't be able 2 stop it, they will overpopulate the world

  2. ...they were joking

    Are you sure that both sticks don't have balls :O

    info below in source box

  3. No we don't. Oysters are an aphrodisiac ( allegedly ) but for you humans only.

  4. Stick insects don't like oysters, it turns their hair blue...

  5. apparently they turn your hair blue!  

  6. they will turn blue and have lots of little bluies  

  7. Have the oysters yourself and toss them a couple of leaves.

  8. makes them horny i guess

  9. Prolly not bc where would they find oysters in the wild? They dont live in the ocean!

  10. ew i hate bugs they are ugly.  one of my fears are bugs...

  11. because it's an old myth that oysters were aphrodisiacs  

  12. Don't give them to the insects.  Eat them with the Mrs!!!!  Let nature take its course....

  13. Posh probably eats them !

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