
Do straight men want to adopt?

by  |  earlier

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It just seems like the only (fertile) people who want to adopt are g*y people or straight women. I'm afraid no man will want me because I want to adopt instead of having bio kids......




  1. Have you explored your psychological reasons for wanting to adopt? Do you believe adoption is a "good" thing to do? Are you afraid of childbirth or have issues with your body? Are you worried about passing on certain birth defects? Do you feel unworthy to reproduce?

    Have you studied the traumas caused to mothers and children who must be separated? What makes you quailified to be able parent a child of monumental loss?

    From the way you phrased your question - I'm guessing you are single, hopefully when you fall in love with a mate, you'll discover the joy and passion of bringing forth your own offspring together naturally as God intended.

  2. I have come across  straight guys who have desires to one day adopt. So they are out there you just have to find them.  Please remember that you don’t need a man to adopt you could adopt as a single parent and eventually find a man who will love you and your children, and might even decide he wants to adopt them. Or it might just take you a bit longer to find that right guy who is willing to just adopt. But when you’ve found him I’m sure he will be great.

    There is a couple that lives in my state and they adopted all their kids(19, there was siblings groups in that number), they weren’t infertile they just wanted to adopt. They were able to afford to provide for all their kids and just felt that was the path for them to take.

  3. I don't think thats always the case.  My husband and I are both fertile (and straight) but we are also adopting.  I guess it just depends on the man, I do know some who would not adopt but many that would.  You should only be interested in men that share your same values and respect your views especially on important issues like this.  Good luck to you!

  4. Of course.  Straight men can have the desire to be fathers too, and it shouldn't matter how that happens.  

    Don't worry.  They are out there.

  5. My husband wants to adopt with me, and he's straight (I hope!), we have already had 2 bio kids, but that wasn't important to use, we just didn't have the money before to pay the fees for adoption.

    So yes, many straight men do want to adopt, I'm sure you just need to find the right man!  Good luck!

  6. My husband and I adopted twin boys before we even tried to have our own kids. At the time we were not sure we even wanted to try the biological route. In the end we did, so we now have 3 boys. I know of a number of other families who did the same.

  7. I have 2 adopted boys, both international, and was married at the time of their adoptions.

    There are many organizations to apply to as a single parent, both for U.S. children and international org.  

    You're afraid that no man would want you....they wouldn't be a worth man/father if they couldn't accept a child that was the love of your life.

    There are so many children needing loving homes in the world...adoption is no different than giving birth...they are yours

    and you are theirs.  I was adopted, and I adopted my children..........we're a family no different than anyone else.

    If you have the means, the love I believe that you need to do what is right for you......all will fall into place in the advice as a formerly married person is to not bring men into and out of a childs life though.  Keep your love life separate.....a child no matter what age, does not need men coming and going....they need permanent.

  8. There are plenty of guys out there who are willing to adopt - just be open about what you want. Not every guy needs a biological child in his life. If this is important to you, take time and find the right man to be the father to your adopted child.

    All the best.

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