
Do straight women call other women cutie?

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There's this woman I see every once and awhile,and every time I get up to leave she a find away to call me a cutie,or to say that I'm cute.This confuses me because I am a g*y female,and I'm not sure if she likes me,or is just being friendly.Sometimes I think I see her looking at me,or glancing when I bend over to pick something up, and she laughs at a lot of the things that I say,even when they don't seem funny to me..I don't want to jump to conclusions because I could just be wrong.




  1. welcome to my world sweetie I get that all the time and I don't know what to think...I'm bi and it's not obvious at all but girls still stare at me and act all sweet and call me these random names when I go out to the mall or to's strange but I like it haha =]

    but yeah you just have to use comman sense it seems to me that she does like you.

  2. yep i think so, my aunt compliments other girls but she is married to a guy

    some go beyond compliment like katy perry(she kissed a girl) but remained straight

  3. Oh yeah, they use all kinds of weird names for each other.

  4. If she's straight, I don't think she is interested in you, where I come from women commonly call each other cute and such. I wouldn't approach her about it as you may jeopardize your friendship but if she approached you then all the best =]

  5. dunno but i think its normal..

  6. Depends on the woman, I guess.  But it is a form of endearment and doesn't mean she is trying to pick up on you.

  7. Yeah, my friends and I call each other hotties and stuff. She's probably just being friendly.  But no one really  knows but you because I havent seen this girl.

  8. It is normal. It is a form of endearment. I call my female friends "mamang" and we got used calling each other that.  

  9. Well I am a straight female, and I always call girls cute.  I don't normally call people who aren't my close friends cuties to their face, but I will say like "awe that girls so cute".  Perhaps she feels like it makes you feel good to act that way.  Or maybe she is also g*y, and is having a hard time coming out with it.

  10. well it sounds to be like she may be g*y.

    im straight but am always the first 1 to say wen a girl is pretty but i dont try and tell her to her face evry time i see her

    and the looking at you bum is a little srange for a straight girl.

    i think she may be g*y.

    good luck n go for it girl!!!


  11. It is normal we are taught by society to looki and judge other women

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