
Do strippers have morals?

by Guest60468  |  earlier

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i received an email from a stripper who in her job walks around shaking her fake b***s in any guys face that will tip them and do other things in public that i won't mention then get up set when i call her a chick and for lack of a better name lets just call her jane smith




  1. Morality is so subjective, it is impossible to answer this question. I am sure a lot of strippers do not consider what they do immoral. I don't. If someone wants to use their sexuality to earn money, there is nothing wrong with that. There is no victim. No one is hurt. Therefore it is perfectly moral to strip for a living.

  2. Yeah, most of them have morals.

    It pays better than most jobs, and if you are trying to work through college, it's a way to earn money.

  3. Yes.  However, I question yours.

  4. I've known a stripper who worked a day job as a school teacher.

    She had morals, she just never let anyone have s*x with her for money.

    Unlike some politicians.

  5. yeah and its a good living

  6. It's not my morals, that's for sure.  Maybe she is just doing it for the money.  As long as she isn't sleeping with the customers, how she earns money is her business. You should actually feel sorry for her.  She is going to have to go into early retirement around the age of 40 (in some cases, before 30).  I don't agree with the first poster though.  A woman who teaches children by day should not be stripping by night.

    The Girls Gone Wild DVDs has to do with getting barely legal girls who are all about their new-found freedom drunk off a few beers so they flash the cameras.

  7. Most strippers are doing this simply for the money and know that men are stupid enough to give it to them. Most of what they do on stage is only an act. Where else can you bring home 200-400 dollars per night without at least a master's degree? So many guys swear that "this stripper wanted to go home with me". But then she makes up an excuse and can't actually go. Of course, there will be some prostitutes, but most of the other girls will think this disgusting and try to do whatever to get her out of their workplace.

  8. Yes, everyone does.

    WHat about the GUYS that go into strip clubs, most of them MARRIED? Why does everyone always say strippers don't have morals. WHat about the men who go in there when they have women at home taking care of their children?

  9. You can have morals about some things and then have no morals about others. Aside from having an advanced brain, morals are basically what sets us apart from the animals. So it's probably good to have more morals than less.

    Jane Smith sounds like somebody who doesn't get much respect at work all day and probably doesn't respect herself a whole lot either, which is why she wants you to give her a little respect with getting her name right so she can have claim on at least a little bit of dignity. But I think she's delusional if she thinks that's going to make her feel better about herself at the end of the day.

    You should try and help her change her lifestyle.

  10. probably not

  11. yes because you never entirely know someones situation or how they got involved a lot of young girls get tricked into the business by easy quick money that they feel they need

    there are plenty of strippers that have morals just like drug deals - they'll sell pills but that doesn't mean they'd rape someone it depends on the person because when it all falls down we all really are entirely different, so sometimes it's hard to put ourselves in others positions.

  12. you cant judge someone by their job you dont know there life or why they have to do the things they do everyone is always so worried about what other people are doing when they need to just worry about themself...........but i dont know why she got upset when you called her a chick lol

  13. Of course they do. They get a lot of attention and don't go seeking it so much in their private lives. Many woman will not associate with strippers but these judgmental women are often more S****y then any stripper cares to be. Unfortunately many of the women who stay in the game to long start to detest men and become calloused towards them. Many as a result develop L*****n relationships. The ones who use it as means to a better career/life have an open mind and better judgment when dealing with people.

  14. Every one has morals... EVERYONE.. just some are different then others.. Morals on sexuality differ even more so. s*x is almost a taboo in America,, but in other places it's common there for not such a taboo.

    Her morals could be calling people by proper titles maybe she finds chick offensive.. so yeah there is no connection to morals and what your being called with job title

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