
Do students with a Biology B.S. get in Medical School before students with a Biology B.A.?

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Do students with a Biology Bachelor of Science get in Medical School before students with a Biology Bachelor of Art?




  1. No.



  2. no. they are looking for all sorts of different backgrounds in medical school. the b.s. and the b.a. just determines what kind of classes you took. its kinda like applying to college. the recruiters (if you want to call them that) are looking at the overall candidate, not just one thing

  3. No.

    Also, a BA and BS do NOT necessarily require different courses. It is simply a matter of what the school chooses to refer to their degrees as. Some schools only offer BAs in Biology (regardless of what your courseload is) and some schools only offer a BS in Biology (regardless of what the courseload is). A student with a BA in Biology from College A could have the exact same classes on his transcript as a student with a BS in Biology from College B.

    Medical schools will not care at all about the difference. Instead, they will be looking at things like grades, MCAT scores, pre-med requirements, etc.

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