
Do summer internships actual happen?

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i would love to have a summer internship at a fasion or photography company in a different country. i was just wondering if anyone knows where, how old you have to be and the sort of things that need to be done. any suggestions would be much appriciated.




  1. Yes, they exist. A friend of mine just got an intern-to-hire position at Versace in New York. She contacted the fashion houses herself and persisted until she got interviews.

  2. Yes they do happen and they are invaluable when you graduate.  Contact your school first to see if they can help you out, then strike out on your own.  Experience sells more than grades!

  3. Internships do happen but they are competitive. Typically internships will be available to people between their 2nd and 3rd, or 3rd and 4th, year as an undergraduate at university, though extremely good/lucky candidates might be able to get them after their first year or even in the summer before university; it all depends on the industry and the company. Non-University students will also be able to get them if they've gained some sort of industry-recognised vocational qualification.

    Have a look at the websites of some companies who interest you to see if they have any internships advertised, or the criteria that they have used for preivous ones; if you feel confident, you may even want to e-mail one of them directly and ask what avialability there is. If you know anyone in the industry, don't be afraid to contact them. A Unviersity or College career's advisor should also be able to help you further.

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