
Do sunnis believe in the Panjitan-e-Pak?

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I'm a sunni.




  1. come again?

  2. Wut?

  3. what's panjitan-e-pak??

  4. no they dont.....shias do only

    EDIT: @ Invincible

    very good answer !!!

  5. the 5 pure ones >>> Muhammad-fatima-ali-hasan-husayn

    we sunnis don't look at it this way like the shias do.

    obviously we take from the prophet and the rest of his family members, and we respect them, but not *special* treat them (like highness, and purity..) and we also don't leave the companions out like they do, etc.

  6. sorry babe, never heard of it. it sounds indian though

  7. there is no evidence of this terminology of Punj tun pak in quran and hadith,

    So muslim who follow Quran and hadith do not believe ,punjtun pak as infallible.

    Bcoz in islamic ideology these pesonalities Ali ,Fatima ,Hassan and Hussain (RA) r pious and they r Ahl bayt ,so has a high rank but not Infallible .

    this is a shias' &some sufia's concept ,and they r their idols

    shias call them ,for help instead of Allah (saw) which is a Major Shirk and hence a grieve SIN.

    e.g shias call YA ALI ,Ya Hussain etc

  8. panjitan pak only exist n indian sub Continent. and it means:

    Muhammad, fatima, Ali, hasan and Hussain. i don't think so any thing bad in believing those scared five personality? and i don't think so any body can hate those scared personalities? any one?

  9. yes sunnis do believe..

  10. I am a sunni and I love Punjtan Pak(pure five)

    They are Hazrat Muhammad(s.a.w) Hzarat Ali ,Hazrat Fatima,Hazrat Imam Husain and Hazrat Imam Hasan(a.s).The word is indian but these personalities are believed to be faultless and sinless

  11. Every true Sunni loves and reveres Ahl ul Bait. There are far more Sunni than Shia Sayyids. There are hundreds of thousands of Sunnis called Ali, Fatma, Hasan and Hussein

    However we beleieve only Prophets are masum and that Seyyidina Abu Bakr was the first caliph and it isnt obligatory for the Caliph to be from Ahl ul Bait.

    We also love ALL of the sahabas.

  12. I dont believe in this Bida'h (Innovation in Islam) Panjitan-e-Pak which is usually believed in the Indian Subcontinent by Shias and Barailwis.

    This concept was introduced in Indian Sub-continent by Shias,Barailwis,sufis,etc.

    The word Panjitan-e-Pak itself is word of Urdu or Punjabi.

    Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) never taught us about any concept like it is a Bida'h (Innovation in Islam).

  13. Everyone does deep down in their heart, but they are afraid to say so. And by "everyone" i don't mean Shias, i mean sunnis and others, not talking about those who really don't know who the Panjitan (as) are, for instance u didn't.  

    I guess most sunnis do, but some don't. In order to fully know the Panjitan and the 12 Imams and experience their divine presence, one has to be a Shia of course, and that's the path of Truth.

    And Shakila, They are not it, They are THEM...just to correct you.

    edit: Pakistani patriot, deobandis and barailvis? bro these two sects are the same as wahabis meaning they're much worse.

    edit: @ heba's my duty after all :)

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