
Do tazmanian devils migrate?

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its for a project help please!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Do you mean as in North America birds fly south for the winter? Then the answer is no.

    They live on the island state of Tasmania. Where would they migrate to?

    Tasmanian Devil, Sarcophilus harrisii


    Devils are widespread in Tasmania from the coast to the mountains. They live in coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest, and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest -- in fact, almost anywhere they can hide and find shelter by day, and find food at night.


    Tasmanian devils are nocturnal scavengers  

    The devil is nocturnal (active after dark). During the day it usually hides in a den, or dense bush. It roams considerable distances --up to 16 km -- along well-defined trails in search of food. It usually ambles slowly with a characteristic gait but can gallop quickly with both hind feet together. Young devils are more agile however and can climb trees. Although not territorial, devils have a home range.

  2. Dont listen to them ,,of course they do,they can swim amazingly well for little critters.

  3. Are you aware they are only found in Tasmania which is an island?  So no, they do not migrate.  If you are doing a school project on them you must mention the fact that there population is being destroyed by a facial tumour virus.  They are trying to quarantine as many of them as they can so that they won't be completely killed off.

  4. They  live on an island so they can't go anywhere but they move around and a lot of them are sick with a virus and if it is not able to be controlled very soon they will become extinct.

  5. I belive they do because when it snows most animals that live in hot climates move to hot places until its time to migrate back.

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